Concert | Joseph Quinn

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As a birthday treat, Joe was surprising you with a gift you'd never forget. You begged the whole morning to find out what it was but Joe wouldn't give in.
"You'll love it, don't worry. Also it's casual wear darling." You pouted your lip as it gave no hint to what it could be. "Joe, you know I hate surprises." He giggled at you, finding it funny how you sulked.

"Well tough because I'm not telling you this one." He ended the conversation at that. He'd already bought you a new necklace and a lovely ring to match it. He made you get ready a lot early in the day considering the surprise was in the evening. "Babe, can I ask why I'm getting ready this early?"
"We have to travel to get there and get thing sorted out when we arrive." He smiled. You brows furrowed together as none of it was making sense.

You picked a casual outfit and did a natural makeup look. Joe placed the necklace he bought around your neck, then proceeded to give you sloppy neck kisses. "Joeee, don't do that. You know we can't do anything." You giggled, winking at him. "Let's just say after this surprise, you're definitely gonna be wanting to have fun in the bedroom as a thank you." He chuckled. "Possibly true. Can't resist you, can I?"

The car was outside waiting for the two of you. You grabbed your bag, took hold of Joe's hand and walked to the car. Being the gentleman he is, he opened the door for you and got you inside.
You were unsure of how long the ride was gonna be, so you got yourself comfortable resting your head on Joe's shoulder. He left kisses on your head while whispering sweet nothings. He was your safe person, and you felt comfortable.

You took a short nap and was awoken to Joe's sweet voice. "We're here my darling. Surprise." You looked out the window and saw you were at a stadium. Coldplay banners were hung outside the arena. "No fucking way! Joe you didn't?!" He's got you tickets to see your favourite band live.
"Happy birthday darling." He kissed your lips. "But it doesn't end there." Your face showed pure shock and happiness.

He stepped out the car and helped you out. "What do you mean it doesn't end there? What else have you done?" You couldn't believe it was even real.

"Best seats in the house." You burst into tears by this point. You had always wanted to see them live but never got the opportunity. Now Joe got you tickets with the best seats in the house. You heard the screaming fans as they were entering the arena. Joe had two access lanyards that allowed you both to go through another way. Sadly they weren't backstage passes but with what he's treated you too, it was more than enough.

You were led by staff to your seats and given the light wristbands that sync up when they play 'A Sky Full of Stars'. 

You kept thanking Joe for the surprise. It made his day seeing his girl happy. "Are you ready to have the best birthday ever?" He got close to your ear as the arena was loud. "Joe it was already the best birthday ever when I woke you next to you this morning. But you've really outdone yourself babe. I love you so much." You gave him a kiss.

People were quick to see Joe and you at the concert and started tweeting about it. You posted on twitter about the concert as well as replied to the many birthday messages you received.
The concert started and you screamed so loud when Coldplay appeared on stage. Joe joined in too, but kept his smile on his face watching you have the best time.

The first song was Paradise. You sung the words perfectly and out of tune but you didn't care. Joe recorded you having a good time, wanting to look back on the memories.
You cheered as the song came to an end. A few songs later and they played Fix You. It was a special song for you and Joe so you both shared a little dance together.

"Lights will guide you home." You as well as Joe and the crowd sung that line.
"Joe?" You whispered his name in his ear.
"Yes darling?"
"You are my home."
He went all soppy and had a few tears in his eyes. "I love you Y/N."
"I love you too."

He brought his hand to the back of your neck and brought you in closer for a kiss. It was magical. The perfect song and atmosphere, he was the best.
Little did you know, Joe had more more surprise for you. He kept the best one til last.
The concert was coming to an end. The final song was A Sky Full of Stars and you were excited for the moment the wristbands light up the arena.
It was leading up to the big moment. You waited for the moment you could jump around to the song and watch the place light up beautifully.

The moment finally came and you witnessed the place glow so bright. You jumped up and down enjoying every single second. Joe had other plans.
You heard a few gasps around you, unknowing of what what going on, you turned to Joe's direction to see if he knew and that's when you saw him. Down on the ground on one knee, holding a small white box with a glistening ring.
"Will you marry me, Y/N?"
You held your hands over your mouth, in complete shock of his final surprise.

Fans immediately took videos and photos and shared them online.

You burst into happy tears. "Yes I'll marry you." He stood up to his feet and planted his soft lips onto yours. "I love you so much." He gently held your left hand as he placed the ring on your finger. Everyone around you screamed for you both, though it felt as though you and Joe were the only people in the room.
You kissed him once more before giving him a big hug. "You've no idea how happy I am right now. I can't express it Joe. I love you."

He kept a tight hold of your hand. His fingers grazing over the ring and he loved the feeling of it. He couldn't believe it was real himself.
After the concert ended, you safely made your way out the arena. Fans still taking photos of you both.
You checked your twitter whilst back in the car on the way home and saw it was trending. Everybody knew about it and they were all happy.

"Have you had a good birthday?" Joe asked, already knowing your answer.
"Good? Joe it's been the best. Nothing can top this." You stared at the beautiful ring that was now in your finger.
"Thank you for the best birthday."
"Thank you for making me the happiest man alive. I love you."
"I love you too."

A short but cute one as I'd just thought of it after watching Coldplay concert TikToks😂

Thank you for the support on the FAMILY  story I posted a couple days ago. If you haven't read it already, please give it a read on my profile! It's based on the Step Dad chapters so if you love caring Joe as well as dad Joe, you'll definitely love this story!

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