Infertility Pt. 2 | Joseph Quinn

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A few days had gone by and you managed to calm yourself down. Joe was filming in London so he was gone during the day and back home on the night time.
To pass the time away, you looked up every option available for trying to have a baby. IVF, surrogacy, fostering / adoption. It was like it was consuming you. Every conversation with Joe would mention the word 'baby' and it was stressing Joe out.

He finished early from filming and came home to find you googling different options.
"Darling, can I talk to you?" He looked exhausted. "Sure, just gimme one second." You focused hard on the laptop screen. You didn't realise he was stood in front of you. He closed the screen and took a seat in front of you. "Could it not wait?" You asked, sounding pissed off.

"Y/N, look at what it's doing to you darling. I know we both want this so bad, but let's just have a break. You've got bags under your eyes, and I know you haven't eaten much." It was frustrating hearing Joe say it, even though he was right. You slouched down, hands rubbing at your tired eyes.

"Focus on your health first. We have all the time in the world to try for a baby." He spoke with a sympathetic tone. "I'm sorry." Was all you could say. You felt as though you let him down. "Don't apologise, my darling. You've nothing to be sorry for. But let's take it easy and try again next month." You agreed with him. "Go take a shower, I'll cook you some food."

The shower was just one of the things you needed. The steam released stress and worry that you'd been bottling up for a while. It's like your body relaxed in an instant. You kept the shower relatively short since Joe was cooking up a meal. You changed into sweatpants and a vest top, leaving your hair wrapped in the towel and wandered off to see Joe in the kitchen.

"Some lovely food for my pretty girl." He placed it down on the table in front of you. "Thank you baby." He smiled at you and made himself a plate too. "How was work?" "It was great. Only needed me for a couple shoots today. I've got tomorrow off from filming too." "Do you wanna do something tomorrow? Whatever you wanna do of course." You asked him. He liked the sound of being with you, especially now you weren't so focused on babies. "I'd love that. We'll decide tomorrow." You both finished the food and chose to cuddle with each other on the sofa.

The following month comes. It was a nice break from stress and heartbreak but Joe decided to try again with you. "I don't want you getting yourself worked up. Don't be stressed out all the time, love." He spoke his words before kissing you. "I won't." You simply just smiled at him. You had butterflies in your stomach. It was exciting to try again but it made you nervous too.

You waited until your chances were high again to have sex and prayed for a miracle, and sadly it didn't happen this month.
You sighed as you looked at the negative test. Joe walked in the bathroom and knew instantly it wasn't the news you wanted.
"We'll get there sweetie." He massaged your back as comfort. "Course we will." You muttered under your breath. Joe hated seeing you heartbroken. To be honest, he hated it all. He wished it was easy but dealing with the heartbreak each month, seeing the hurt in your eyes, was killing him.

This happened for seven more months. Constant negative tests. You decided it was time to get advice from a medical professional. You scheduled an appointment to talk about IVF.
Joe happily attended as by this point, he was also getting heartbroken.

Now that you had been trying for a long time, they allowed Joe and you to start treatment for IVF. They did all their checks and found out that you have many eggs for the egg retrieval, which was a benefit.

They used Joe's sperm to fertilise the eggs in their laboratory. Once they had a positive outcome, they implanted the embryo in your womb so it could grow and develop. It was a stressful process in total. Why can't things go easy for you both?

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