I Hate You, I Love You | Joseph Quinn

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Joe and you became friends pretty quickly after first meeting. You hung around with his friends often and would occasionally go to his house to hang out. Everyone always had a great time together.

Joe had asked you if you wanted to go over so he could cook you dinner, as it's something he always did for his friends. You kindly accepted the invitation and got ready to go see him.

You drove to his house and rang the doorbell. You heard Joe's footsteps come closer as he answered the door.

"Hi, thank you for coming over." He greeted with a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Thank you for inviting me. I'm looking forward to trying your cooking that everybody goes nuts over." He welcomed you inside and you both headed into the kitchen.

He was already cooking food and chopping up vegetables. "It smells lovely in here, Joe." You complimented him. "Thanks, I hope you're starving because I may have made a little too much." He cackled, scratching the back of his head. "It's me, I eat like there's no tomorrow." You joked back.

He offered you a glass of wine, pouring himself one too. "How's your day been then?" You asked. "It's been great. Only came back from Italy a couple days ago, just finished unpacking the last of my things today." He stated. "How about you, how have you been?"

"I've been doing ok. Had a couple of dramas but I've been fine." He knew of the issues you currently were going through involving an ex partner. "Nothing bad has happened, has it?" He became caring. "No, just him being his usual self but nothing I can't handle." You said with a blunt smile.

He didn't believe you. He knew you were struggling and keeping it bottled up. Interrupting the conversation, the doorbell rang.
"Oh crap, I forgot Wes was dropping something off." He ran to the door, leaving you in the kitchen. You kept an eye on the food in the pan, but it wasn't going to burn, so you started walking towards where Joe and Wes were but you were stopped by hearing their conversation.

"Have you spoke to her yet?" Wes asked Joe.
"No, I just hate the fact I can't do anything. I hate her and her ways." You peeked around the corner to see Joe shaking his head. "Is she here now?"
"Yeah, she's in the kitchen." Joe whispered to him. "Just talk to her about it."

You didn't want to hear more of it so you walked into the kitchen in disbelief.
Does Joe really hate me? Why did he invite me over?

One of the things you hated about yourself, was the fact you keep things bottled up. A part of you wanted to confront Joe, but you knew you couldn't as you were scared of losing Joe and didn't want him to find out you heard it all.

The front door closed shut and Joe walked back into the kitchen, as if nothing had happened. "Everything ok?" You asked, knowing damn well it wasn't. "Yeah, he had to drop something off to me." You nodded at him.

You carried on as if nothing had happened, though it was hard. When Joe would speak with you, your focus wasn't on him. It was on the fact of how he could hate you and act like there's nothing wrong.

The food was almost ready and Joe had set the table up all nicely. The bottle of wine was on the table. You knew you'd need a lot more than a bottle to get you through the night.

Joe plated up the food and served it to you. "Bon appetite." He said, doing a chef's kiss. You fake laughed at him and waited for him to be seated. "Thank you, for cooking for me." You told him before eating. As much as you weren't enjoying your time anymore, you wanted to eat and hopefully leave soon.

Your friends were right about his cooking, it was delicious, which annoyed you, giving the circumstances.
Joe was the one doing most of the talking throughout dinner. He seemed confused at your blunt answers. "Have I upset you? You're not talking much."

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