Infertility | Joseph Quinn

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TW- mentions of infertility

It was a special moment when you and Joe spoke about having a baby. You always saw how amazing he was with kids and now that you'd been together for two years, it was the great time to start trying.

Joe had bought a house for you both and he was doing well in his career. Your career took off since the relationship became public. You had plenty of contracts to work with different companies offering a heap of money.

You looked up ways to increase your fertility chances and took recommended vitamins, alongside tracking your fertility window.

Joe and you laid in bed, after having some fun, talking about becoming parents.
"What do you think they'd look like?" You stared at Joe's face. He laid, playing with your hair.
"Probably have my eyes and mouth. Definitely would have your beauty." You grinned at his answer. "I wonder who they'd grow up to be." You got lost in thought, dreaming of one day, meeting your son or daughter. Joe did a little chuckle, snapping you out of the daydream.
"What's so funny?" You matched his smile.
"Just how cute you look. And how one day you'll be a mum."

His brown eyes sparkled from the lamp standing at the side of the bed. He just melts your heart.
You added a note to your ovulation tracker about having sex. You were in your fertility window, meaning there was a high chance of conceiving. You always kept your hopes high when your chances were high.
Joe kissed you goodnight and you both went into a nice slumber.

Two weeks went by and it was time to take a pregnancy test. Your period was due and it hadn't arrived yet, so you got yourself excited thinking you were.
Joe stayed with you as you took the test. "I hate waiting! It's the worst part." You admitted. "Just be patient, love." He giggled at your excitement.

Three minutes eventually went by...
"I-don't understand?" You questioned the test. "Hey, there's always next month. We have plenty of time. These things don't happen overnight sweetheart." His hand gently rubbed your back to try and reassure you. You sat there in silence, not knowing what to do next.

"Do you think we should go speak to a doctor? They can help us out, darling." Joe asked. "Maybe." You lost all excitement for the remainder of the day. You refused to budge from the sofa, sulking over the test. Joe took it upon himself to phone the doctor for an appointment. He got an appointment for the next day.

"I know it's hard darling, but it's better we get answers. It's our 7th time we've had a negative result when you tracked your ovulation." Joe snaked his arms around you for a cuddle. Hearing Joe say it out loud made you cry. Maybe there is something wrong and it's preventing you from having children?

"Don't cry darling. We'll get to the bottom of it."
"What if we don't? What if I can't have kids?" You sobbed louder as you hated saying it out loud. "There are other ways. Even if it takes us forever, we WILL be parents." He stated, matter-of-fact.
He hated seeing you hurt. He knew it was killing you not knowing the reason behind all those negative tests.

Arriving at the doctors surgery, you got so nervous. You checked in and waited for your name to be called. Your leg shaking uncontrollably with nerves. Joe spotted you biting your nails also. He placed his hand on your leg to stop the nerves. "Y/N, no matter what happens, I promise I'll always be here for you. You never know, we might get good news today."

After he said that, your name was called. "Oh god." You muttered under your breath. "Just breathe darling." Joe held your hand all the way into the room.

"How can I get you both today?" The doctor asked.
"We've been trying for a baby for a while now, and we keep getting negative tests even though we follow my ovulation. I wanted to know if there was anything preventing us from having a baby." You said, sheepishly.

"Okay, I will be more than happy to run some tests for you. I'll need some bloods first and I'll have to do a quick scan to see if everything is normal." You agreed to doing both and let her crack on with it.

Joe's hand stayed in yours throughout the appointment. He always was attentive and made sure you were ok with everything. As it got to the scan, you waited patiently for the doctor to say something. She started humming as she was seeing results from the scan. She ended the scan and got you to sit back down.

"Do you have irregular and heavy periods?"
"Yes, is that a problem?" You asked, nervous about her answer.
"Y/N, you suffer with PCOS. Meaning it's very difficult for you to conceive." Your face dropped and a single tear rolled down your face.
"What's PCOS?" Joe questioned.

"It stands for PolyCystic Ovary Syndrome. But Y/N, it doesn't mean you won't ever be able to having children. It just means it's more difficult to conceive. But women still have conceived with PCOS." The doctor tried to make it better for you.

"We've tried for so long. I know I won't be able to have children." You told them, sounding defeated.
"There is other options. IVF or if you really can't, adoption or fostering. I know it's not the same as carrying a baby but they'll still be your child."

You didn't know what to say. "Y/N? Darling, talk to us." Joe asked sweetly. You wanted to be left alone with your thoughts so you stood up and left the room.
"Darl-" You slammed the door, cutting Joe off from finishing his sentence.

"Please speak with Y/N about other options. She's gonna think it's the end of the road but I promise you, just to look at other options. But don't stop trying. A good percentage of women with PCOS still do have successful pregnancies." The doctor told Joe. He thanked her for her time and left to go find you.

You walked off to the car and sat there waiting for Joe. He got in the car and heard you sniffle. "Talk to me. Please." He begged. "I can't give you children. I can't make you happy."

"Y/N, this is not the end of the road. She even said women still go on to have babies. Let's go home and talk."

You didn't speak the whole ride home. You felt as though you had given up. There was no purpose for you if you can't have kids. You got in the house right before Joe and went to go cry in bed but Joe stopped you.

His hand grabbed yours and he spun you around into a hug. "It's ok. Just let it all out my darling." Your world was falling apart and you didn't know what to do. "I'm so sorry, Joe." He hugged you tighter, knowing you needed the love. "Don't apologise. It's not your battle, it's ours. We're in this together."

"I don't know what to do." Joe let out a big breath, like he'd been holding it for a while. He knew you were struggling, but he couldn't get you to talk about it. He needed you to ask for help, and that's exactly what you did. "Then let me help you. I'll always love you, don't forget. Let's do this together. Let's try over and over. We will do every option possible to have our own baby."

"I promise. But do me one thing."
You looked at him with red, puffy eyes. "Let me help you. Talk to me. Don't bottle things away thinking it'll be resolved or saved for another day. You talk about what's bothering you and we find a way to fix it." You nodded at his words. "That's my girl." He kissed your forehead.

Do I do a part 2? I feel like I should but I don't know if this was a good ending to stop it.
I've got an Eddie chapter next so if I do a part 2, it'll follow after the Eddie chapter. <3

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