Runaway Pt. 2 | Eddie Munson

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You made your way into the bathroom, the test was placed down on the side as you sat down on the closed toilet seat. You kept thinking about Eddie. You started to believe him and that this 'Vecna' is the one behind Chrissy's murder.

Great, he's gonna think I hate him now.

You stared at the test, still deciding what to do. "Fuck it." You said aloud. You opened the box and undid the wrapper before having a quick glance at the instructions.

You followed the instructions and peed on the little stick and set it aside. You washed your hands and sat back down, waiting for the results. Thoughts of having a baby with Eddie played in your mind. He'd be a great dad, but now he's wanted for murder, you couldn't exactly bring a baby into the world if Eddie is in prison, or worse, dead.

The time had now past and you could read the test. Hands were shaking as you slowly took hold of the stick. And there is was, the answer you needed...

Your hand covered your mouth as you silently cried.

Two lines. Pregnant.

Unsure of what to do, you stood up and began pacing around the house. Too much was happening inside your mind. You just needed to see Eddie again. You ran back for the test and left the house.

"Y/N, where you going?" You heard Dustin shout from afar as he was getting out of Steve's car. They came to check on you, but luckily caught you at the perfect time.  "I need to see Eddie. Like right now!" You spoke urgently. "I can take you there now." Steve spoke, shaking his car keys. You nodded and walked to his car and got in.

"I'll back back guys. Nobody goes investigating without me present, understand?" Steve spoke to Dustin, Max and Robin, being the parent of the group.

Steve began driving back to Reefer Rick's place. You were trying to focus on how you were gonna tell Eddie the news when Steve snapped you out of your daze.
"You gonna tell me what that was about earlier?" You could see him looking at you, then back at the road and kept alternating between the two as you tried finding the right words to say.

"So much happened in that moment, I just needed time to breathe and take it all in." He nodded in agreement. "It's not everyday you get told that there's a monster-like thing on the loose and your boyfriend is the number one suspect of a murder case while I think he's been cheating on me." You continued. Steve saw the frustration in your face and tried calming you down.

"We've dealt with this before, Y'know. Not Vecna but we know how, I think, to deal with it. So don't worry. Eddie will be fine." He flashed a smile but it still wasn't enough. "There's something else you're hiding." You gave a stern look. "God are you a mind reader now?" You chuckled and so did Steve. "Wanna talk about it?" "Not before I speak to Eddie." You felt the pregnancy test in your jacket pocket, fiddling on with it as you looked at your belly.

Finally Steve pulled up to Reefer Rick's. You got out the car and charged to the out house. "Eddie?" You called out. He immediately came out from his hiding place. "Jesus H Christ, Y/N. You had me on edge." You charged at him for a hug. "I'm so sorry Eddie, I really am." You broke down to him. Pulling away from the hug, you sat down on the wooden floor.

"You ok? Sweetheart?" He watched as you shook your head, hiding your face with your hands. Steve knew whatever you had to tell Eddie, it was in private so he left and would come back later if you radioed through.

"Please don't hate me." He took your hands in his and looked you in the eye. "I'd never hate you. Never. Tell me what's wrong." You let go of his hand and reached in your pocket for the test, placing it in his hands. His big, curious eyes wandered to the object you gave him.

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