Tonight Show | Joseph Quinn

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Felt like doing a cute one today! <3
Any requests or ideas, send me a message or comment :)

It was to be Joe's second time on Jimmy Fallon. The first time he appeared on the show, you just started dating Joe and your relationship wasn't made public. Two years later and he returned after his award winning acting in his latest movie.

Arriving at the show prior to filming, you were allowed backstage with him as he got ready. "Are you a little nervous?" You asked him as he was getting his hair done a little. "Just a little bit, but I have you with me this time." He smiled wide. He took ahold of your hand and gave it a little squeeze to show you were his guiding light if he ever felt nervous.

After he was ready, they had a quick rehearsal and the audience started coming in, taking their seats. Joe brought his dad, Anthony, along so you both took seats on the front row.

"Did he seem nervous to you earlier?" Anthony asked you. "I mean, he did a little. But I'm sure he'll be fine." You reassured him.
"He's been looking forward to this since they invited him back." Anthony stated. "Yeah he's been non stop talking about it."

The seats were now full of people and it was about time to start the show. The camera crew alert the audience and the filming started. Jimmy walked on stage and everyone cheered. You were looking forward to seeing Joe again.
Jimmy spoke for a few minutes and announced Joe onto the stage.

You loved that everyone applauded him. You and Anthony stood from your seats and obviously applauded too. You took your seats back down.

He looked so good in his suit. He asked you to help him pick one and this was the one you chose.

JF- "Lovely to have you again. How have you been, besides winning awards?" The audience applauded again.
JQ- "Thank you for having me again! I've been great thanks. Doing a lot of work but also taking time to myself. It's been wonderful.

Throughout the show, you couldn't stop smiling from how proud you are of him. Anthony kept looking over at you, and he knew how supportive and loving you were towards Joe.
Jimmy and Joe continue their chat before an ad break.

During the break, you and Anthony made your way over to Joe, giving him a big hug. "You're doing amazing babe." You told him. He gave you a kiss on the cheek. His dad gave him a hug too and exchanged a few words before having to take a seat back down to resume the show.

JF- "So you have your girlfriend and your dad with you tonight."
JQ- "Yeah, they are front row." He squinted his eyes, searching to find you.

When he did, he smiled and waved to you both. The camera quickly zoomed in on you, giving a wave to the camera.
JF- "That's so sweet to have that support. Now you and Y/N have been together for how long?"
JQ- "We've been together for two years. It's been the best." The audience were in awe.

JF- "Congratulations, that's amazing."
JQ- "Thank you. I mean, she's been so incredibly supportive and helped me achieve a lot of things." You blushed hard, hiding half your face with your hands.
Anthony turned to speak to you. "He's not wrong. You've done so much for him so thank you." He had a genuine smile on his face.

JF- "Aw she's blushing red over there." Jimmy pointed over to you. Joe chuckled as you couldn't take compliments.
JQ- "She's shy." He joked. "But she's been the best. I'm proud to call her mine."
JF- "Y/N, do you wanna come on up here? We have a seat available." You looked at Joe, not knowing what to do. "You can come up if you want darling, don't feel pressured." Joe said. He knew you get nervous and anxious, especially around cameras.

You chose to take a seat next to Joe, joint him in camera.
JF- "The next power couple, I'm calling it." Jimmy stated. "How are you doing, Y/N?" He asked.

"I'm doing great, little nervous but I should be fine." Joe found your hand, giving it a squeeze like he did earlier.

JF- "So how did you both meet? Tell us the details."
JQ- "We met through mutual friends. We knew each other before I appeared on Stranger Things and I chose to have dinner with her and I guess we just went from there."

You smiled thinking about when he asked you out. How after your date, he took you on a walk and watched the sunset before asking you out.

JF- "Y/N smiled hard so I guess there's something missing?" Jimmy questioned.

"After our date, he took me on a walk to a beautiful area and we watched the sun set. That's when he asked me to be his girlfriend." You added on. Jimmy and everybody else awed.

JF- "That's so cute. And you've been together for two years? It's amazing."
JQ- "I actually have something I wanted to say, if that's ok?" He turned to Jimmy. He looked confused but agreed to Joe saying whatever he was going to say.

"I've been waiting for an opportunity like this. And I wanted to say thank you'd for all you've done for me." You started blushing again, trying to hide your face. "You know I love you so so much and that won't ever change. But I wanted to ask you..." He stood from his seat, searching his pocket for something. He pulls out a small black box, and gets down on one knee.

Jimmy knew what was coming, as Joe had told him prior to filming that this was his plan all along.

"Y/N, will you do me the incredible honour of marrying me?" Tears automatically flowed down your cheeks. It was so unexpected but you already knew your answer. You nodded as you couldn't speak. "Yes, I'll marry you." You sobbed, eventually managing to speak.

Everybody cheered loudly for the both of you. You couldn't stop staring at the sparkly diamond ring that was now happily placed on your finger. Joe kissed you hard. You just made him the happiest man on the planet.

A few minutes goes by and you all settle down. You return to your seats and Jimmy is so happy.
JF- "Congratulations to the newly engaged couple everybody!" He cheered making the audience do the same.
JQ- "I've been planning that for a while, so thank you Jimmy for bringing me back."

You couldn't take your hand away from Joe's. It was truly a special moment.
"I just- I mean- I can't even find the words. I'm just so happy." You said, admiring the ring.

JQ- "I couldn't wait any longer. I love you too much." He said, placing a kiss on your cheek.
JF- "Did you know about this?" He asked Anthony.
"Yeah I've known since Joe wanted to ask Y/N. That's why he was nervous earlier on." He said to you. You turned to Joe and saw his toothy grin. He winked at you, making your cheeks burn.

"I can't wait to watch this episode over and over. This is the best moment for me and I get to watch it whenever. Thank you. And I bloody love you." You squeezed Joe's hand.

The show came to an end with everybody congratulating you and Joe. As you walked off backstage again, you and Joe stayed in the dressing room alone.

"I'm happy I can show you off to the world. You're mine forever. I mean it."

Joseph Quinn: ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now