Don't Cry, Little One | Eddie Munson

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One of Eddie's dreams was to be a dad. He knew from the first time he saw you, you were to be his girl. You fell in love with him, when he made you laugh in Ms. O'Donnells class. From then on, you became friends, then something more.

"Holy shit!" You said aloud. "Princess? What's wrong?" Eddie walked into the bathroom. He looked down at your hands and noticed what you had taken. "No, no. No way you are. You're pulling my leg here Y/N." He denied the whole thing, thinking it was a joke.

"I'm really not, Ed's. We're having a baby!" His hands ran through his hair. He was so excited. "Come here sweetheart. We totally did it." He welcomed you with open arms. He placed his hands on the sides of your face. His forehead rested against yours. "So proud of you." He whispers.

It wasn't long before your baby was due. Steve was throwing a get together to celebrate another year of living. You and Eddie were invited as you became friends with the group. They told you about the Upside Down and made you aware of the dangers they'd gone through so it was nice of Steve to get everyone together.

You'd just about met everyone, there was only a couple of unfamiliar faces.
"Holy shit Y/N, you're huge." Robin pointed out as you walked into the room. "Nice to see you too, Robin." You gave her a friendly hug. "Not long to go!" Eddie told them. His face as happy as ever.

"How you doing, Kid?" Hopper gave you a little hug, trying to to squeeze too tight. "I'm doing good. Just ready to meet this little one." He chuckled. "You've got this."

Joyce and Hopper helped set the food up and Nancy and Steve did the drinks. Eddie went off to mingle with Dustin and Mike. You stayed with Robin. Everyone was enjoying their time.

"Ok, food is ready!" Hopper yelled from the top of his lungs. Everyone came diving in for food. Dustin and Mike ran to the table to grab food, almost bumping into you.
"Hey, watch the pregnant lady Henderson and Wheeler." Eddie gave them a glare. "And no cutting in front. I'm eating for two, remember." You added on.

They allowed you to get the food you wanted and you made your way to take a seat. "You doing ok?" Eddie asked as he took a seat next to you. "I'm cramping a little but I'll be fine." Joyce overheard you. "Sweetie, are they painful?" You looked over in her direction. "Yeah, but I'll be ok." You assured her. "How often are they coming and going?" She asked. Eddie started looking a little worried. "Every 2-3 minutes, I think?"

Her face looked shocked. "Y/N, you're contractions have started." The food from your mouth dropped back onto the plate as you heard her. "Shit." Was all you could say. Eddie struggled to take it all in. "There's like no way you're having our baby soon." Everyone turned and faced your direction, overhearing Eddie. You stood up, about to walk outside to get fresh air. They all came gathering as they watched your waters break, right in front of your eyes.

"Ho-ly shit." Steve emphasised. You winced as you felt another contraction, more powerful than the last. "Ok, give her some space." Hopper announced. "I don't feel ready." You admitted. "Sweetie, I know but your body is ready. You're about to meet your baby soon." She smiled after she finished her sentence.

Eddie stood in shock, his mouth wide open. "Eddie? Breathe Eddie." Dustin snapped him out of his trance. He ran outside, leaving you with Joyce. "I'll go after him." Hopper said, already at the door.

"C'mon, let's get you laid down." Steve showed you both to the spare room of the house. "Please get Eddie back, I'm scared." Steve nodded and left to get him.

Eddie was sat down on the grass, taking it all in. "Hey kid." Eddie stayed silent as Hopper took a seat next to him. "I know it's scary but you both will do an amazing job." Eddie shook his head. "Not gonna happen. Not with me. I'll just get scared and run away and live up to the Munson name."

Steve came running out and spotted Hopper talking with him. Steve pointed his thumb back towards the house to tell him that you wanted Eddie there.
"C'mon, she's waiting for you. She trusts you enough for you to be with her. You won't live up to the name because I, for one, won't let you. And Y/N will come for you." He made a joke, making Eddie laugh.

Eddie stood up and made his way upstairs to where you were. Hopper tagged along, thinking he would be needed.

"Fuck!" You yelled as another contraction came along. "Take deep breaths Y/N." Eddie ran to your side, holding your hand. "Hey sweetheart, you got this. We're one step closer to meeting our baby." He whispered.
Joyce took a look and could already see baby's head already out. "Ok, things are moving a hell of a lot fast. Steve get some towels and blankets. Hop, I'll need you just in case."

Robin allowed herself in the room, feeling like you needed another girl by your side. "Hey, you got this Y/N. We all believe in you." Her words of encouragement made you better.

"Ok, push with every contraction." You did as Joyce asked, squeezing Eddie's hand. "Jesus Christ, you're strong." He distracted you from pushing. "Err, Eddie? Don't." Robin told him off.
You did a few more final pushes and your baby came out screaming. "Oh my god, I did it." You broke down. You looked over at Eddie and watched him cry his heart out. "We did it, Eds."

Joyce placed your baby on your chest, for skin to skin contact. "It's a beautiful boy." She happily stated. "I have a son?" Eddie's eyes were in awe, after being told he has a little son of his own.
He settled down in your arms as Joyce got you cleaned up.

"He looks just like you." Eddie smiled wide, realising he looks exactly like him. "Tommy Munson." Eddie spoke. You and Robin looked over at him. "Hey little Tommy." You kissed his tiny forehead.

The umbilical cord was cut, and you passed Tommy on to his daddy. Hopper pulled up a chair for him to sit down on. Tommy started crying as Eddie got comfy.

"Hey. Don't cry, little one. Daddy's here and he's gonna protect you forever." He sweetly kissed his forehead, the same place you did. "Daddy's gonna take you on adventures and teach you the guitar. You'll be able to join daddy when he's on tour with the boys." Tommy stopped crying while Eddie carried on talking to him. Eddie's voice was soft and soothing, which calmed Tommy down in an instant.

"Think he's gonna be a daddy's boy." Hopper stood over Eddie, looking like a proud dad. Eddie glanced over at you, his smile so big. "I love you sweetheart. "I love you too."

He looked down at Tommy, who had his curious brown eyes open. "Daddy will make you a rockstar and one day, you'll meet someone who makes you happy. Like daddy has. He's found his special someone. Without her, you wouldn't be here. We both love her with all our hearts." Tommy smiled for a quick second.

Eddie handed Tommy back to you so he could have a feed. You positioned yourself and held Tommy close as you breastfed him.
"I was uh, scared earlier. Scared to be like my old man. But I don't think I am anymore." He already had hold of your hand, but he pulled it up to his mouth and kissed it.

"I'm so proud of you, and our handsome boy. You guys are protected for life. I won't let nothing harm the two of you. My girl and my boy."

I decided to make an instagram if you guys wanted to follow! It's @/joequinn_xo
I'll post updates there along side Joe obviously❤️
And THANK YOU FOR 30k Reads!! You guys are just the best.n <33

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