Step Mum Pt. 2 | Joseph Quinn

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Tw- mention of abuse

The weekend surprisingly came quick. Throughout the week, you and Joe stayed in contact regularly, if not, more. Seeing how well you got along with Gracie, Joe seemed to fall for you more. He knew you'd do well in looking after her, even if you had your own child, you'd be a great mum.

You spent the whole day preparing for your two special guests. You were excited to see them both again. You bought Gracie her favourite sweets for after her dinner as a treat. You felt as though she needed a mum in her life. She needed spoiling since she's never had that experience.

Around 3pm, Joe and Gracie showed up. You opened the door and saw the cutest thing ever. "Y/N!" Gracie yelled in excitement as she saw you. "These are for you." She handed you a bouquet of roses while Joe had a box of your favourite chocolates. "Aw thank you honey. That's so sweet of you." You gave her a hug. You stood up and gave Joe a kiss on the lips, hearing Gracie giggle at you both.

"Come on in guys!" The pair of them came inside and took their shoes off. "Gracie, I've put your favourite show on tv if you want to watch it. Or I have toys you can play with." You showed her the living room. Her face lit up with glee as she didn't know where to start. Joe was shocked to see the amount of toys, but admired her from the doorway as she began playing.

"Where did you get all the toys from?" Joe questioned, confused at why you had them. "I thought if you guys enjoy your time today, I could keep these here for whenever you guys come over. And I may have bought them." Joe turned his attention from Gracie to you.

"You bought them?" He repeated your words. He felt guilty that you'd possibly spent a fair bit of money on toys. "I guess the mother side to me guesses she needs to be spoilt a little." You couldn't tell if Joe was happy or annoyed you'd gone out your way to treat Gracie.
He was lost for words and kept his focus on you. "You're not mad at me, are you?" You frowned.

"No, no I'm not mad. It's just nobody has done anything like this before. Thank you." His eyes looked genuine, like he couldn't believe how kind you've been. "It's no bother, honestly." You smiled at him. "I'm gonna start cooking so I'll be in the kitchen if you need me."

You left to go cook, leaving Joe stood there in amazement. He had plenty of thought running around his mind about you. Maybe this could go further than he thought. He turned to look at Gracie who was preoccupied, so Joe followed you into the kitchen.

You stood at the sink, washing up a couple of things when you suddenly felt arms around your waist. "You're amazing, you know that." He whispered to you. You dried your hands and held onto his. "Where have you been all this time?" He looked in your eyes, then down to your lips. You noticed what he did and instantly locked lips with Joe.

The kiss broke and you both smiled at each other. "I love you." Joe slipped out. Your cheeks stained red, looking into his soft, brown eyes. He meant those three words. "I knew I had feelings for you but Gracie doesn't stop talking about you and seeing how amazing you've been with her, I've fallen for you more." He admitted.

"Joe.." You'd never felt like this before. You were so aware of your feelings for him. It may have been two months of knowing each other with a few dates but you were ready for this relationship. "I love you too."

"Will you be mine?" He quickly asked. "I'd love to." You sealed the moment with a kiss. You lost focus on cooking so Joe left to check on Gracie. He'd been in there for a while and you were just waiting for the food to cook, so you popped your head in the living room to check on them both.
Gracie was sat down with Joe in front of her.

"So do you accept me and Y/N being together? I promise this doesn't affect my love for you. You'll still be my number one girl, always." He chuckled. "Yeah. Y/N is my favourite person." She giggled, blushing a little. You started tearing up at witnessing this special moment. You snuck back into the kitchen, acting as though you didn't hear a word.

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