Baby Talk | Eddie Munson

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Six months after graduation, Eddie and you are still going strong. Nobody at high school believed you both would last, but you proved them wrong.

Eddie was loving, only to you. He had a caring side that came out whenever you were around and you loved it.
"Good morning, princess." Eddie laid facing you, staring at your cute morning face. You lifted the covers over your head to prevent being woken up. "Aw, don't be shy." He teased.

"Eddie, fuck off. I'm trying to sleep." You grumbled. "Sweetheart, we need to get up. You've got your baby niece to meet today."

Eddie reminded you that your sister was coming home from the hospital today after having a little girl. You were excited to meet her and desperate to see Eddie hold a baby, as it's something you never imagined.

"Okay, that's an exception, but when we come back here, I'll be going back to sleep." You told him, removing the covers from your face. "There's my pretty girl." His cool hands were placed on each cheek, planting a kiss to your lips.

Eddie stood up from the bed, completely naked, about to get dressed. "Someone has a bit of morning wood, I see." You raised your brows, giggling at him. "Oh yeah, so I do." He smirked down at you.

You blushed hard, trying not to get any ideas that would make you late in meeting your niece. You got out of bed and got dressed yourself when Eddie made his way behind you, kissing your neck.

"It's a shame we can't do anything now, but I would so fuck the shit outta you." He cockily stated, kissing up your neck. You groaned at his touch, implying you want more.

"Tell you what, I'll let you sleep later only if I can show you that I mean my words." He breath tickled your neck, making a load of goosebumps appear all over. "Deal." You smiled. "Atta girl."

Eddie made you both a quick breakfast and left to go to your parent's home. You couldn't stop smiling at the thought of becoming an aunt. A beautiful little niece is waiting to meet her newest aunt and you couldn't be more proud to have that title.

You felt Eddie's hand placed on your thigh as he drove, a little dangerously. "You look beautiful." He spoke. "No I don't." You denied any compliment he gave. "See that's where you're wrong 'cos in my eyes, you look perfect. The same to anyone else, sweetheart."

You buried your face with your shirt, making Eddie laugh. "Too beautiful to accept a compliment." His dimples were on show and that always made butterflies in your stomach.

Arriving at your parent's home, you rushed inside along with Eddie.
"Hi guys." Your sister, Julie, said.
"Where is she?" You spoke, making everyone laugh.

Your dad has hold of her, but passed her on to you. You took a seat, Eddie standing behind you. "Gosh, she's so beautiful, Julie." You were in complete awe. Her beautiful blue eyes looking up at you. She was perfect.

"Do you have a name?" Eddie asked. "Betty."
"Hi, little Betty. It's so nice to meet you." You whispered to her.
Eddie was starstruck watching you interact with Betty. It was a side he had never seen and loved it. He got to thinking about one day, you being a mum and how well you'd do.

He stayed quiet for a while, observing you and Betty.
"Do you want to have a hold, son?" Your dad asked Eddie. He became flustered. "Me? No I'm not good with babies." He nervously rambled, fiddling with his rings.

"Oh come on, Ed. Take a seat and have a hold." You told him, standing from your seat. He looked at you and saw you weren't giving up that easily so he complied and sat down. Your dad showed him how to hold her and you placed her carefully in his arms.

His cheeks were glowing red and looked at your for support. "It's alright. You aren't gonna hurt her." You comforted him. "There we go."

The second Betty was placed in his arms, he immediately relaxed as her curious eyes focused on him. "Hi, little princess." You bit your lip at the interaction.
Betty began making babbling noises and a little whine but Eddie did what any father would do as shushed her. She instantly became quiet and listened to Eddie's shushing.

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