Interview | Joseph Quinn

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You were Joe's plus one to a comic con. All the fans were happy you were there as they loved you just as much as Joe.

You were close by to him during photo ops and sat next to him during the autographs. Fans would speak to you in passing and were always polite.

As it got to the Q&A panel, you sat front row, ready and waiting for Joe to appear. He appeared on stage with Grace as they spoke about their time on set and answered questions from fans.

As the interviewer asked Grace a question, Joe's eyes wandered over to where you were sat and smiled. He couldn't keep his eyes off you.

"So Joe, how did you fit in on set with the other cast? Were they polite?" The interviewer asked.

"They were all so lovely and just some of the best people I've worked with. Definitely have friends for life." He answered. The crowd awed him.

As time went on, a fan asked Joe a question about you.

"I love yours and Y/N's relationship, so my question is, what is the best thing you love about Y/N?"

He immediately looked at you. Smiling again.

"Oh that's easy. She's amazing and supportive. Always there for me, makes me laugh. The list goes on. She's very beautiful and I, sorry, We really appreciate all the love you guys give us." A round of applause from the audience interrupted Joe as he grinned widely.

Fans noticed you blushing and the cameraman spotted you also, so your face appeared on the screens at the side of the stage. "Hi Y/N." The fan waved to you. You politely waved back at her and smiled.

"Also I'd like to add on. She makes me so happy and I wouldn't change a thing about you." He says, blushing just as hard as you.

Grace gave a cute pout look to you both. "That's so cute!" She says. The interviewer then asked a series of questions about how you guys met and what were your plans for after the convention.

"I think we're just gonna have a movie night back at the hotel. Go for a meal, she deserves a treat." He looks back and winks at you. A few wolf whistles from the audience were heard.

"Oh behave!" He says into the mic, making everyone laugh.

The panel is over with and is now time to leave. Fans waved goodbye outside and shouted lovely things to you both as you got into the car, going back to the hotel. Just before you both got in the car, you waved bye to fans and Joe pulled you in for a kiss. Fans screamed so loud in happiness.
"I love you, and thank you for being here today." He whispered in your ear. "I wouldn't miss anything you do. I love you too."

Apologies for a short but sweet chapter. I thought it'd be better with gifs though before the idea leaves my mind :)

I'll try my best to get a chapter out before I go to Comic Con.
Big love to you all. Have a great day/evening <3

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