Drunk Night | Eddie Munson

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Eddie wasn't much of a drinker. He preferred smoking and getting high. Steve had planned a little gathering at his place with the group just to have a good time for once. Eddie declined the invitation but allowed you to go and be stress-free for a while.

"Are you sure you don't wanna stop by, not even for a little while?" You asked Eddie, hoping he would change his mind. "Hey, don't worry about me, sweetheart. You go enjoy yourself. I'll be there to pick you up later." He smiled then turned his focus back on the road.
Eddie didn't do parties, even if it was with friends. He preferred being with you or a small group or even just on his own. Since his friends were all together, he chose to stay home on his own.

The van pulled up outside Steve's place. You could see the silhouettes of people inside the house, presumably dancing to the music. You stared at the window a little while, before going to exit the van.
"Sweetheart?" Eddie placed his hand on your thigh before you could leave.
"Yeah?" You faced him.
He hesitated his words before speaking a sentence. "Be safe and call me if you need me. Have fun doll." He showed happiness in his smile. He wanted you to enjoy yourself with friends, instead of being cooped up at home.

"I will." You flashed him a smile and left the van. You ran to Steve's front door and knocked, waiting to be let in.
Eddie waited for you to go inside. Once he watched you leave out of sight, he punched his steering wheel. "Goddamn it." He cursed to himself.

It was early days for you and Eddie. Admitting you both had feelings towards each other, then you made it official. Neither one of you had said 'I love you' yet. Eddie was about to as you were leaving his van, but he couldn't find the courage to do so.

He loved everything about you; your smile, your eyes and the way your hair perfectly looked at all times. He was afraid you'd leave him after a while, that's why he was trying to tell you his true feelings.
He drove off back to his trailer, annoyed with himself.

Back at the party, you all were enjoying the company and music. Steve had a few games to keep you all entertained, such as beer pong.
"Right me versus Y/N." Steve announced as he set the table up for beer pong. You happily agreed to the match. By this point, you'd had 2 drinks of alcohol. Whatever was in it, was strong and you could feel yourself getting a little tipsy.

You stumbled over Jonathon's feet as you made your way to the table. He stuck his arm out to catch you. "Y/N, you're such a lightweight." Robin giggled. "Hush, I'm fine." You put your finger to your pursed lips.
"Hope someone has Eddie on speed dial." Nancy laughed.

Steve allowed you to go first. The first throw, you missed. "Damn it." You cursed under your breath. Steve's turn to throw the ball. It lands in the cup. "Ha yes! Take the drink Y/N." Steve celebrated his success. You downed the drink, almost spitting it out from how strong it was. "Jesus, who poured these?" You questioned, disgusted by it.

The group laughed. In the end, Steve had won since you can't aim while tipsy. Robin and Steve brought out more alcohol. "C'mon guys, let's get wasted!" Robin shouted. You all made your way into the kitchen and had more to drink.
Argyle turned up late but nonetheless, brought his famous purple palm tree delight. Him and Jonathon lit up outside.

Eventually you all made your way out the back, next to the pool. You smelt the infamous smell of weed, reminding you of Eddie. The alcohol had hit you hard at this point.

"Give me a smoke." You demanded either one of the boys. "Y/N, that's not such a good idea." Jonathon stated. "Oh please, it's a great idea." Argyle didn't hesitate and allowed you to smoke his joint. "Dude, what the fuck?" Jonathon turned to Argyle. "What, she asked for it." He smiled wide at Jonathon.

"Y/N, Byers is right." Steve interrupted. "Steve, I'm fine." You wobbled around. Your drunk state knew he would take the joint off of you, so you took plenty of puffs before he could. "Right, you've had enough." Steve finally snatched the joint away and passed it back to Argyle.

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