The Last 'I Love You' | Eddie Munson

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"Hawkins is in deep shit if we don't kill Vecna." You said to the group. Nancy just came out of a 'trance' and told you all what Vecna showed her. "We need to come up with a plan. We have to go back." You saw the worried look on everybody's face. "Woah, woah. We are not going back to the upside down. We barely made it out alive." Steve interrupted. "We don't have a choice. We have to kill Vecna before he kills all of Hawkins." Steve shook his head in refusal.

Max went through what she thinks would be best. In the end, you all went with the plan. Max, Lucas and Erica would go to the Creel house, Steve, Nancy and Robin would go to Creel house in the upside down and you, Dustin and Eddie would be at Eddie's trailer.

You saw Eddie's worried look. Everyone was silent in that ride as you were preparing for battle. "Ed, it's gonna be ok." You whispered into his ear. You felt his hand squeeze yours, but had no verbal response from him. "We'll get through this. All of us. Your name will be cleared and we can live in peace." You could see tears baring his eye line, ready to fall. "No, not this time Y/N. I'm going down for murder." His head fell on your shoulder. You knew he was right, if you all made it out alive. Eddie wouldn't be safe. But to keep him feeling safe, you had to reassure him with lies.

Max, Lucas and Erica got dropped off at Creel house. Your heart beating so fast at the nerves you were all facing. You didn't want to lose Eddie. He was protective over you but knowing the whole of Hawkins hates his guts, you had to be the one to save him this time.

Entering the upside down, Eddie and Dustin got everything set up for Eddie's guitar moment. After that, it was just a waiting game for the next phase of the plan.

"Eddie, whatever you do, please be safe. I can't lose you. Not now." He saw the fear in your eyes and held onto your hands. "Y/N, we are gonna defeat Vecna once and for all. If-if I die doing this, just know I'm gonna watch over you. I'm gonna protect you even when I'm no longer here, like you've done for me since we first ever met."

You lost control over your emotions and couldn't fight back the tears longing to fall. "Hey, Sweetheart. Don't cry. Not for me. You'll always be my girl. That'll never change." He left a gentle kiss on your forehead.

Dustin was watching from the corner of the trailer, the sweet moment you guys just shared. Even Dustin had a few tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Right, Henderson. Let's get into position."

Dustin and Eddie stood on the roof of the trailer, waiting for the signal. You stood on the floor, admiring Eddie. He looked down at you, giving you a wink. You got lost in thought as you pictured Eddie and his band on stage. Thousands of girls stood screaming at them as they wanted an encore. He was looking like a true metal head with his bandana around his head, ready to have an awesome show. Seeing Eddie stood on his trailer, looking like he was about to rock the whole of Hawkins. This should've been Eddie's life. Now after all this is over, he's gonna be wanted for the murders.

"She's in. Move on to phase 3." Robin said through the radio. "Copy that. Initiating phase 3." Dustin responded back.

Eddie prepared himself as his moment finally arrived. Dustin plugged the amp in and whacked it on full volume. "Chrissy, this is for you." Eddie said and he strummed his guitar and played 'Master of Puppets' by Metallica. He looked so good, jamming it out. Chrissy would've been proud.

He played it perfectly. You didn't want it to end but Dustin screamed for him to stop in 10 as the bats were heading your direction. He stopped playing.
You all ran back in the trailer to escape the bats.

MOST METAL EVERRRRRRR." The boys were laughing and screaming in excitement as Eddie had truly rocked the place. Eddie acted like he'd just shit his pants. The bats pounding on the outside of the trailer, you guys formed a little circle, back to back with one another, waiting for the bats to finally make their way inside.

Not knowing which way they were gunna come in, you were looking all over, until Eddie pointed it out. "They are on the roof." Panic sets in again. You didn't wanna take on a whole bunch of bats. You guys are totally outnumbered.

It didn't take long for the bats to break through the vents. Stabbing and prodding at the entrance they just found, hoping for them to back off. Eddie shoved the 'shield' against the hole, stopping them from gaining entry, until Dustin clicked on that there was more vents.

Eddie shouted "Let's go! Let's go!" as you and Dustin climbed the bedsheets to leave the upside down. "C'mon Eddie, let's go. We have to leave." You shouted through. He began climbing up as the bats were still breaking their way in. But he went silent, looking back at where the bats were coming from. He looked up at you both as he dropped. "EDDIE. NO." You shouted. He screamed as he sliced the bedsheets, causing them to fall to the ground. He flipped the mattress to prevent you guys from coming back. "I'm buying more time." He said before he ran and left. You and Dustin were left crying into each others shoulders.

"We have to go back for him, Y/N." Dustin told you. "I know, but how. There is nothing to help us climb up." Dustin found a chair and placed it below the hole. He climbed on the chair and jumped, just making it and he landed back in the upside down, hurting his leg in the process. With you being a bit taller than Dustin, it was a little easier for you to make it.

All that was in your mind, was Eddie being eaten alive by those bats. You couldn't handle the fact if Eddie wasn't alive anymore. You needed him here with you, so you both could graduate and you could watch his every show Corroded Coffin would play, as you grew old together. Since meeting Eddie, he truly changed your life. He was the love of your life. He was there for you when nobody else was and he welcomed you with open arms. You both were madly in love with each other.

Eventually making it out the trailer, helping Dustin out, you watched from afar as the bats were attacking Eddie. "NO." You screamed. Dustin heard the hurt and fear as you screamed but he pulled you back from running to him. "Y/N, you get killed." Eddie was trying his hardest to fight off the bats. Whacking them with the shield as they flew at him.

Eddie got knocked to the ground, the bats pinning him down as more chomped away at him. You heard his screams of pain as you watched him being mauled. "EDDIE." You and Dustin shouted, in sync. The bats left him lying on the ground, whimpering at the pains he was feeling.

As the bats disappeared, you both ran to Eddie. Eddie looked so scared. He looked at your face and saw you cry. He somehow found your hand and held it. "Don't cry sweetheart. I'm here." His voice croaked. "Just gotta get you to the hospital, ok?" Dustin said. You helped him trying to pick Eddie up but he was in too much pain. "I'm gonna need a minute."

All three of you crying, watching as Eddie had his final moments.

"I didn't run away this time."

"Please don't, Eddie. You've been the bravest one out of us all."

He turned to Dustin. "You're gonna have to look after those sheep for me cos, I think I'm gonna actually graduate with Y/N this year."

You held onto him for dear life. "Eddie, I promise I'll look after you and the boys, but please don't leave."

"I love you man." He looked at Dustin. "I love you too."

"Y/N. In my world, we're gonna get married and have a few kids and I'll always love you. But in your world, I'm gonna be watching over you. I love you." You couldn't stop the tears as you watched Eddie die, right in front of you. Right in your arms.

"NO." You buried your head into his lifeless body. You gave him one final kiss on the lips and one on his head as Dustin closed his eyes.

I'm sorry for such a sad chapter. I felt like I needed something different but I'm still choking up at his death.

Any requests, just let me know. Have a great day/evening and SEASON GREETINGS ❤️

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