Eddie's Girl Pt. 1 | Eddie Munson

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Nobody believed Eddie would find love. They all thought 'The Freak' would be alone forever. That was until you came along. You joined Hawkins High mid way through the school year. People were quick to find out that you are Dustin's cousin.

The first day of school was hard. Nobody likes being the new student. Your aunt dropped you and Dustin off at school. "Y/N, if you have any issues, come find me." Dustin kindly told you. "I'm the new girl who's been set back a couple years. What's the worst that could happen?" You joked. Dustin had a look on his face that said different.

You were given a map of the school, which wasn't useful. You struggled finding your first class with a teacher called Ms. O'Donnell.

"Hi, do you need help finding class?" A girl kindly helped you. "Hi, if you don't mind. I'm lost." You nervously chuckled. "I'm Robin." She stuck her hand out for you to shake. "I'm Y/N. Y/N Henderson." You shook her hand. "Are you related to Dustin Henderson?" She asked. "I'm his cousin. Is it too obvious?" You laughed. "Just a little." She laughed back.

She walked you to your first class and said goodbye. "Welcome Y/N to Hawkins High. Let me introduce you to the class." She stood you at the front. Everyone's eyes burned into you. "Class, this is Y/N Henderson. She's just started here. I want you all to be kind to her. She has been held back a couple years" She smiled at you. "Have a sit next to Eddie." She pointed to the empty seat next to him.

You took your seat and got your things out. "Henderson." Eddie called. You looked over to him to see him grinning. "Can I help you?" You whispered, trying not to get caught. "Are you related to Dustin?" You rolled your eyes at the same question you were asked earlier. "I'm his cousin, why?"

"He never told me that's all." You looked confused at why he knew Dustin, but then realised he wore the same shirt as him, that said "Hellfire Club" on it.

"What's Hellfire Club? Dustin has the same shirt." You asked him. "It's a D&D club that I run. But I'm sure you won't know what D&D is." He said with a smug look. "Dungeons and Dragons, smart ass. I'm not as dumb as you."

"Well you must be, if you've been held back a couple of years, the same as me." Your eyes went wide but his comment made you laugh. "Alright I'll let you off with that." He laughed along with you.

"Y/N, Eddie. No talking!" Ms. O'Donnell shouted at both of you. She turned around, continuing the lesson. You giggled and looked over at Eddie, who was now writing something.
He passed you a piece of paper soon after.

Do you play D&D?
He wrote down. Yes, but I haven't played for a while. I will be rusty. You wrote down and passed the note back to him.

He read it and smiled.
Join me at lunch. Look for me or Dustin.

You nodded at him and focused on the lesson. You could feel his eyes on you. Maybe he was shocked a pretty girl knew of D&D.

Since you and Eddie were now free of lessons, you chose to hang out with him, and got to know him a bit more.

"So how come you moved to Hawkins? Of all places too." He chuckled. "I had a falling out with my parents and Dustin's mom was kind enough to let me move in. The joys of being the favourite niece."

"How come you were held back?" He followed on with another question. "Guess I never cared for school. Being the outcast can sometimes be hard." He gave you a sympathetic look. "I know that feeling." You furrowed your brows. "I'm known as 'The Freak' for playing Dungeons and Dragons." He said, playing with the chains hanging from his jeans.

"You don't look like one to me. Just a normal person doing something you enjoy." He smiled big at your comment. You ended up in a wooded area behind the school. Eddie must of known the area well as there was a bench that you both took a seat on.

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