Feeling Down | Joseph Quinn

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Being Joe's girlfriend was one of the best things to happen to you. He was sweet, attentive and just the best. It also came with its disadvantages. You loved being a private person, not sharing live life on line but now that Joe is in the spotlight, it made things difficult.

It was hard going out to public places as fans would follow you and Joe around everywhere and bombard with photos and pens for autographs. Even when out for a nice meal.

"Everything ok?" Joe asked as you stared off into space. "Sorry?" You snapped out of your thoughts and focused back to Joe. He chuckled.

"You looked quite cute then. But I asked if everything is ok, you seem quieter today."

"Just one of those days, that's all." You smiled at him. Little did he know, when you were out with friends the previous day, fans of Joe followed you and your friends around and were either pleasant or rude.

"You sure?" He questioned you further, with an eyebrow raised. "Yeah, I'm sure." You lied.

"So after yesterday with fans following you, has nothing to do with it then?" He could tell you were lying and hiding that from him.

"How did you-"

"Wesley and a couple other friends showed me clips." You slumped into your seat. "I just- I knew it would be hard but when I'm out with friends, I have no privacy. It's just a little stressful. We don't get time to ourselves anymore."

He came and sat down next to you. "I know, my darling. It's not a nice feeling. It's sadly apart of my job and for my loved ones too. But we can go for a meal tonight, if you'd like?" He asked, hoping to put a smile on your face.

"You know we'll just get followed, right?" You rolled your eyes. "I have an idea. Leave it with me." He said with a smug look and walked off into the bedroom.

You were left slightly confused but left him to it, and started flicking through the channels on television.

About 30 minutes go by, and Joe comes out the bedroom holding two of your favourite dresses. "Which one?" He asked, holding them both up.

"Um, Joe... are you trying to tell me something?" You giggled. "Very funny, you know I meant for you."

"That one." You pointed to the one in his left hand. "Sorted then. Come on, get ready sweetheart." You stood up, confused but nonetheless, followed Joe into the bedroom.

"Get dressed, if you want makeup, then put some on. Even though you don't need it." He kisses your cheek. "Be ready for 5:30." His instructions were. The time was 4:15pm so you had a little time to get yourself ready for what you were assuming was a meal.

The dress hugged every curve of your amazing body. It made you feel so confident. The heels matched with the dress and you applied minimal makeup. The final accessories of jewellery and hair accessories were put on and you were ready 5 minutes early.

Joe had gotten ready in the bathroom. He wore black trousers, and a nice pink patterned shirt with of course, his double chains. The aftershave he applied, was your favourite of his collection. He rocks every colour of clothing.

"I'm ready." You called out. He walked out the bathroom and stood with his mouth open. "I didn't think you could get any more beautiful." His brown eyes sparkled from the bathroom lights, seeping through.

You blushed, hard. "So where are we going?" You held out your hand for him to take. "Well, that's a surprise." He knew you weren't much of a surprise person, which frustrated you whenever he planned a secret for you.

A car horn beeped from outside the house. "Our ride is here." You opened the door to see a black, shiny car waiting for you and Joe. "You didn't have to go all out, my love."

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