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We'd been driving for over an hour and we hadn't said one word to each other. Besides the kiss on the cheek he gave me when he came to pick me up, Luis wasn't feeling very sociable today. When I went to open the door for him, Josh and Jamie were right on my heels begging to see the man taking me away for the entire weekend. Jamie wasn't very pleased, but the only reason Josh had any interest in meeting my boyfriend was because he was nosy. To him, the prospect of meeting the monster capable of loving his arch-nemesis was too good for him to pass up. I would've found the whole thing cute if Luis bothered to acknowledge them. He could barely muster a hello so when Jamie's face pulled into a pout I smacked him on the arm and offered my harshest warning.

I had it all under control until Dominic came around the corner at the same time Josh yelled at me for having such a rude boyfriend. Of course, he came to see what the fuss was about so I had to convince the man that Josh was just being Josh. He didn't buy it but he also didn't push the topic any further. He picked both of his kids up and watched from the open door as we shuffled into the car. Luis giving the man and his children a lazy goodbye to appease me which hadn't even mattered because no one answered him.

I felt like I was getting swallowed by humiliation so to calm my tattered nerves I sucked in a breath and waved at the three boys promising I'd be back before they knew it. Josh and Jamie waved and because his hands were full, Dominic only smiled and wished me a safe trip. We hadn't spoken to each other since last night but I couldn't lie and say it didn't make me feel all warm inside. It was those damn kids. Nobody could stay mad with them all cuddled together like that.

"Do you care if we switch when we hit the four-hour mark? I didn't get much sleep last night." He yawned, one hand covering his mouth while the other remained on the wheel.

"Sure, did you go out last night?" I asked, giving him my full attention. Luis was more outgoing than I'd ever be. When he wasn't working he'd make time to hang out with his friends and do God knows what til God knows when. I didn't even mind because when he came home he'd get right into bed with me and we'd cuddle for the rest of the night. After seeing him with Kate the other day, I started to question whether his desire to be so close to me after going out was because he missed me or just his guilty conscience.

He shrugged and glanced over at me, a small smile on his face. "Yeah, went to this new club opening a friend of mine put us on to. You know I really miss you Mar, I feel like we barely see each other anymore."

"It's only been a week Luis, and it isn't like we saw each other every day before." I reminded him trying to keep my temper in check. We had seven hours left on the road and I'd be damned if we spent the rest of them in silence. I'd rather take my chances and tuck and roll out of the car.

"I can't miss you? I'm just saying, we barely talk on the phone or anything else like that. You always seem preoccupied."

"I'm taking care of two kids Luis, I don't have as much free time as I used to. I have tried you know? I came to see you the other day but you were too busy talking to Kate to even have lunch with me." I couldn't tell anyone we broke up if that's where this was headed. Since day one I worked overtime telling all the people I cared about how good Luis and I were together. I'd gotten so comfortable. Besides Zaria, he was all I had out here in California. What would happen to me if we decided to call it quits? He and Kate worked together long before I arrived. I couldn't be mad at him for having friends, still, I just couldn't shake it.

"Is that why you've been giving me the silent treatment? I was just busy, it had nothing to do with Kate."

"Yeah, okay." I scoffed, "I know damn well Frankie didn't give you a late break. If you didn't want to be bothered fine, but you weren't doing anything besides talking to Kate."

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