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"Here, don't forget your toys in the car!" I tossed Josh his bag from the window, surprised that he even caught it. David was waiting for them on the front steps and he waved before running down the walkway to come to talk to me. "Sorry Amara, I didn't realize that was you. When did you get a new car?" He poked his head around the interior before whistling, "Don't answer that I know exactly how you got a new car. Congratulations by the way."

"Yeah, it was a bit unexpected and still feels a little undeserved but I'm appreciative. She is a little much though." It was hard getting used to such a high-end car. I've had fixer-uppers all my life, this was the first time I'd ever had anything new. Something that was mine first no matter what happened to it after.

"Do me a favor? I need a new grill and I'm sure if you ask Dominic would—"

"Alright, very funny, how's Tiffany?" I changed the subject and he laughed, "She's fine. I would invite you inside to come to say hello but she's in one of her moods and I'd never willingly subject anyone to that. We're in the final stretch though so whatever she wants I get."

"Good, well tell her I said Hi, and if anything happens with the kids don't hesitate to call me—" I cleared my throat and corrected myself, "Dominic. Don't hesitate to call Dominic. He wanted me to tell you that."

David flashed me a sly smile and nodded his head, "Yeah I'll give you a call if anything goes wrong. I'm sure Dom wouldn't mind you filling him in." Whatever he was implying, I'd try my best to act oblivious to.

"Are you gonna spend the whole weekend alone watching movies again?" Josh squeezed his head from under David and was back at the window eyeing me like he always did when he asked me stupid questions. The worst part was that's exactly what I planned to do all weekend, but he didn't have to know that.

"Well, David enjoy them. I'll see you when I see you, bye boys!" I waved one more time before rolling the window up and pulling off. I had to admit I hated when it was just me all alone in Dominic's house. He was usually at work and sometimes I got scared in the dark all by myself. I didn't want to keep the lights on all night so I stayed downstairs in the living room where I could hear everything in case something did happen. Dominic lived in a safe neighborhood and his security system was insane, but I couldn't stop my brain from thinking someone was going to break in and murder me. I'm sure Dominic always thought I was just relaxing downstairs watching a movie all of the time for my enjoyment but really it was because I drove myself into such a panic most nights that I had to do something else to distract myself.

To no surprise, his presence made it all feel just a tad bit better.

I wasn't in the mood to go home just yet so instead, Zaria and I went to go grab lunch at a cafe not too far away from her house. It had been quite some time since I'd gotten the chance to talk to her so I was more than a little excited to have some time today. Zaria was always busy with clients and it was nice to see her doing so well in her career. When we were kids she wanted to be a ballerina and wouldn't hear anything else from her parents or anyone for that matter. She trained hard and kept up with it until we got into high school and she became interested in biology. She spent the next four years flip-flopping what she wanted to do until she decided on exercise science in college. It was a long road and I was so proud of my friend for making something out of herself. She worked hard, and she deserved everything she was rewarded.

"It doesn't take you that long to figure out what you want to eat, what's up?" Zar smacked her menu on the table and glared at me. It was the same look my mother used to give me right before she forced something out of me. The same look Zar's mother gave the both of us when we were kids. Clearly, she was following in our parent's footsteps.

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