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She was two glasses and a half in and already talking my ear off. About anything really just to pass the time and then it all turned personal. Josh and Jamie were both asleep in their beds so I had nothing else to do but listen to her blow off some steam, most of her grievances directed toward her boyfriend. If you could even call him that. I've had my doubts about him since he came to pick her up the other weekend but I chalked that up to me just being overprotective. I was responsible for her so if I let her leave my house with someone I didn't trust, I wouldn't be able to live myself. It wasn't my business which was why I kept my mouth shut about it but seeing her sulk about it now—there was no reason for me to hold back.

"So you guys were good before you started working here?" I glanced at Amara resting her head against the railing and frowned. I should've brought a blanket or something for her to sit on but I hadn't expected to be outside so long. Not to mention the goosebumps spread across her skin. I removed the light jacket I'd brought outside and draped it across her shoulders instead. I hadn't been that cold anyways.

"Near perfect. I don't know I guess I'm just starting to notice things he's always done now that we've been arguing. I just feel kinda stupid for not realizing it sooner." She glanced at her nail polish before biting on her finger, the other hand gripping the glass so hard I thought it might've cracked. I knew exactly how she felt. It was like seeing your past laid out for you, every decision you've ever made flashed by on a screen and all you could do was watch yourself make the wrong ones every single time. Things you swore you'd never let happen again. Comments and actions you opted not to notice were hard to ignore when the truth was right in front of your face. I never wanted to admit I had been that dumb, so I got the feeling she might've felt the same way.

"And kit-kat?" I questioned still confused about the nickname. "Who the fuck is she?" She laughed and shifted against the concrete steps. I could see her thigh getting red from the little rocks on the steps and she scratched at her skin before soothing it with her palm.

"Her name is Kate and we worked together at Estella's. Luis and her worked there way before I came on though."

"And you think he's cheating on you with her?" I couldn't imagine how anyone would. Cheat, that is. It was always my belief that if a relationship no longer served you, it was best to leave before anyone got hurt. It didn't matter how long they'd been together or how much they thought they loved one another. No one deserved to have their trust discarded in that way. It was disgusting, and for him to call himself a man while cheating on someone as great as Amara was pathetic.

"I used to think he was," she looked at me and shrugged, "now I don't know I feel like I know he is. You know what I mean? And I know I should've ended it a week ago but—"

"You think you'll be completely alone if you do?" I interrupted her. She nodded and tilted her head up towards the sky watching a plane slowly move across the clouds. She smiled slightly before dropping her head and tightening my jacket around her body.

"I stayed with Stephanie a few months after I knew it was over. For the kids of course and, a part of me just felt like I'd be lost without her. I don't know how long you and Luis have been together but Stephanie and I were together for years. We practically grew up together so losing her in the way that I did was fucking hell." She groaned and tried to cover her face but I grabbed her hand and held it for a moment before returning mine to my lap.

"It sounds shitty because it is shitty but trust me when I tell you that it will get better. Even if you find out he isn't cheating it sounds like you two just don't have anything in common. At least not anymore. You're going to feel like shit but you'll be fine."

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