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"Next weekend? I thought you and Dad weren't planning on renewing your vows until the end of the Summer?" I flipped through the architectural book on my desk while attempting to listen to my mother chattering in my ear. "No dear, August is far too hot to be doing anything. If you kept up with your family you would know when we'd be leaving. I know you've been on the fence since Stephanie but I really think you should come. Your father and I bought an extra plane ticket for Amara, it would be such a nice treat for her to get out and see a different country don't you think?"

She knew exactly how to convince me to go, which is why instead of telling her I would talk to her later I asked, "And where would this vow renewal be taking place?"

"Italy dear, just a three-day trip and it's your weekend off. The boys would thank you for bringing her you know? Where are they by the way? Still at your sisters?"

I sighed to myself and leaned against the back of my chair, "Yes they'll be back on Monday. Amara went to go drop off a blanket Josh left in his room."

She laughed on the other end, "She's sweet. You made a good choice in hiring her. Far better than any of the other ones that quit on you," she scoffed at the thought and I had to agree. Before Amara, I was having nightmares of all help I had coming in and out of here. I never thought I'd find myself in the position I was in now but I was so relieved I had someone around that I and most importantly my kids could trust. They needed that more than anything and I'd forever be grateful to Amara for giving them that.

"Fine, we'll go." I gave in, "It'll be good for all of us to have a little vacation."

I could hear my mother clapping on the other end of the phone, "Oh lovely! I'll have David drop off your tickets see you soon sweetheart."

I couldn't hide the smile on my face while I watched Amara talk shop with my architect and my contractor. She had me stick around for the first five minutes just to get introductions out of the way but once they got into building structure and insulation she practically pushed me aside. I didn't mind just watching her work but I was afraid she'd catch me staring so I had to find some way to busy myself instead of watching her like an idiot. I didn't have much work to get done at home so I did the only thing that made sense in the moment.

I invited her father over.

The reasons were entirely selfish but I was sure he'd want to see his daughter in her element. All those years of hard work he never got to see—no father would ever want to miss out on something like that. I waited anxiously for him to arrive, narrowly avoiding Amara and the other few people in the house but I couldn't escape Olivia. She stopped me on my way past the kitchen and crossed her arms while she looked up at me.

"What's gotten into you?" She asked with a wooden spoon pointed at my neck. "I'm not sure what you mean?"

"You're tiptoeing around this house like you broke into it. If you weren't over six feet I would've mistook you for Amara." Amara, Amara, why did every fucking thing have to be about Amara?

"I guess I'm just tired today Olivia that's all." That's all it had to be. Exhaustion, lapse of judgment, sheer insanity.

"Well maybe you should go lie down for a little bit if you're feeling that tired," she continued to reprimand me.

"I'm fine. Hey, why don't you go home early today? It's been a while since you've taken advantage of some free time." I meant that, Olivia worked hard and she deserved a break but I wouldn't lie and say I didn't want to get her out of the house. She was good for prying things out of me and I'd already spent years confiding in her. It wouldn't take long before she wore me down.

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