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I didn't think I'd be here again. Waiting in a hospital lobby while doctors and patients rushed past me unaware that my life had yet again come to a screeching halt. I could see Dan trying to talk to me, but the noise in my head was too loud for anything else to break through. I've done this before. I've waited for bad news, I've given bad news but I hadn't expected to be back here this fucking soon. Not after Amara's accident. She was fine, with minimal damage, and minimal outcome. I was worried sick about her but she was well enough to walk away from her accident. Stephanie wasn't.

"Some idiot pulled out in front of her on her way to my house. I—I debated on calling you." He stumbled over his words. There was blood on his shirt and I didn't have the heart to ask whose.

"Why wouldn't you call Dan?" I answered flatly. He shook his head, "Because you guys are always at each other's throats. I didn't think you'd come."

My stomach wound up in a knot, bile rising to my throat burning me from the inside out. Stephanie and I were at each other's throats constantly but sometimes there were moments where she was just Steph and I was just Dom and things were just like they used to be. It was rare now ever since the divorce and Amara came into the picture but I hadn't forsaken what we once were. That's why I showed up tonight. Fuck the lawyers and the constant back and forth. There was a point in time when Stephanie was my friend, my wife, my lover. Christ, she was the mother of my children. That was the woman I showed up for. Nothing in between.

"We have our days but if it had been me I know she wouldn't have hesitated to show up. I love Stephanie, Dan. Just, not the same way I used to." I wiped my mouth and pulled my phone from the pocket of my shorts. Calls from David and my sister, my parents, and Stephanie's parents. The only message I clicked on was one from Amara. It was a photo of Josh and Jamie sound asleep on the makeshift beds she made for them with the caption, snug like a bug in a rug I hope all is well with Stephanie xx.

I smiled to myself and tucked my phone back into my pocket. "Amara?" Dan nudged my side without looking at me.

"Uh yeah, she was just letting me know the boys were still sleeping. She sent her well wishes to Steph as well."

He laughed, "I won't pass them on but tell her they are much appreciated."

"Yeah, good idea." He took a deep breath and looked at me, "so how long has that been going on?"


"Don't play dumb with me I know you better than that. We've been taking bets for the past month you know. He lost, by the way, I knew as soon as you got her that car that you were fucked. So I'll ask you again, how long has that been going on?"

I took a deep breath and raked a hand through my hair. Hopefully, David and Dan were the only ones who could see right through me. "Since Italy. Do you think it's stupid?"

"I don't think it's stupid. I think it's risky as fuck. She's your nanny and with Stephanie down your throat about the kids, it could come back to bite you in the ass. Do you like her?" I considered that possibility, But I hadn't expected Steph to low ball me like that if she had ever found out about Amara and I. She was angry, but she wasn't cruel.

I laughed, "we wouldn't be having this conversation if I didn't. I don't want to make her life more complicated than it already is and I definitely don't want her to sacrifice anything for me. I've already lived my life. I'm happy where I am." There was so much she still wanted to do. So much that she still had to accomplish. If being with me put a pin in her plans—

"Could you see this being something long-term?"

"We aren't there yet Dan," I scoffed. "Maybe not yet but I imagine it will come up eventually. Could you even see yourself getting married again? Better yet, having more kids?"

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