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"So, it's been months since we've last spoken, how is everything? Are you still with Dominic?" Kosta sipped on her cup of coffee with that same suspicious smile on her face. There was no point in lying to her because she saw through every bullshit story I tried to sell her but I would have to try. There was no way I was going to tell her the truth about Dominic and me even if she suspected otherwise. I'd lie and I'd feel bad about it later, she'd remind me of it every chance she got but it was for the best. At least I hoped it was. Lying never really got me anywhere.

"It's been good. The kids are a handful but I love them and Dominic is great. He's let me help him redo his garage, I've talked to his architect, I've been paying back my loans and my dad came to visit. Everything's been good." I swallowed hard before I took a deep breath. Costa looked down to see my hands but I'd already tucked them under the table into my lap. She'd been my professor for years now. She knew better, and so had I.

"That's good, and how is Dominic doing? I heard him and Stephanie finalized the divorce, how has he been handling it?" I shook my head, "he's my boss. I don't really know how he's handling his divorce."

"I know the both of you are friends, you don't have to lie to me about that. I do check in on him from time to time, not that he would ever tell you that. You know, I swear that man is dead set on being a loner. Luckily for him, I am very hard to get rid of." She was right. Dominic isolated himself on purpose and whether the job was the cause of that I wasn't exactly sure. Kosta was a constant for the both of us and despite his constant efforts to ditch anyone who cared about him, it was good she stuck around. He'd never admit it himself and he didn't have to. We both had that understood.

"He's just, still killing himself at work is all. I don't think he has the time to maintain any friendships besides the ones he has with Dan and David. And the hospital is doing performance reviews and changing hours because they're being sued—he's just preoccupied."

She smiled and nodded her head, "Well, clearly he has you looking after him. Anyways, you're coming up on your last semester. What are your plans for this job? Better yet, what are your plans for graduation?" A question almost everyone had been asking me recently. The truth was, I had no idea what I'd do once I graduated or where I would go. Not to mention how I was going to manage working for Dominic and juggling school. As fun as it was to joke about a babysitter for the nanny it was a bit ridiculous. Dominic knew that and so did I.

"I don't know. I have a few more weeks to think about it so please let me save it until then?" I begged. Kosta reluctantly agreed but I knew as soon as class started up she'd be down my back about jobs and internships. A necessary evil I wasn't looking forward to.

"We are not done with this conversation Jones. Do you have to get out of here soon?"

I looked at the time on my phone and kissed my teeth, "I do. I have to pick up the boys from their grandmother's house and then we're going to the park and then I have to go home and get ready for—" I bit my tongue, "get ready for what?"

She was going to pry this out of me if I didn't answer her.

"I am going on a date tonight," one that I knew I'd be late for if I didn't carry on with my day. Didn't matter that we lived in the same house. I still had to get ready and his kids were a menace to wake up this morning. They'd be even worse to put to bed.

"With who? Are you and Luis still a thing?" She asked expectantly. Just hearing his name had my stomach twisting into knots. "No, we broke up a long time ago. He was cheating on me by the way so you and Venus can tell me I told you so later." I knew she wanted to smile. She was doing a terrible job at holding back a smile which was why I gave her my half of the bill and grabbed my purse.

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