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"So have you found an apartment that interests you yet?" Dom wiped the corner of his mouth with a napkin and leaned back in his chair. "I've seen a few I like but no final decisions yet. I'm planning to meet up with a friend soon to help weed out any nonsensical picks."

"Are you? That's good," he hummed and forced a smile onto his face. It was easy to tell when Dominic was putting on. His smile wasn't half as bright and there were no teeth. The worst offense of them all were the creases by his eyes that remained smooth. I grit my teeth and took a sip of my cocktail, "Yeah he did a stint in real estate so I figured he would be the best person to ask."

A head nod followed, "That makes sense."

"You're not happy?" At least he didn't look it. His gaze was far away and he glanced at his phone more than usual. He liked to keep it tucked away in his pocket when we were together to keep his attention on me. I thought he might've just been waiting on a call or a text from his mom or Steph but I was starting to get the sense that something else was bothering him.

He smiled slightly and licked his lips. It was a familiar smile but still not as bright as the one I grew to love, "With what?"

"You tell me," I raised a brow.

He tossed his napkin onto the table and looked at me with his lecture face. The one all dads seemed to master early in including my own. "I'm sorry it's neither of those things I just have a lot on my mind," and because he always seemed to be my shoulder to cry on I pushed him just a bit further, "Penny for your thoughts?"

He thought over it for a minute, eyes darting across my face while he carefully crafted a response. I hadn't expected his answer but with how long it took him to reply I should've seen it coming, "I don't think you want in my head," But I did. More than usual that is. He'd been on the quiet side since we left the house and I wondered if that silence was because of me. If the past few conversations we'd had were starting to weigh on him the way it did me.

"I think I'd prefer it more than your silence," I teased him but he hadn't taken it for a joke, "I'm sorry Amara. I'm being a terrible date right now."

"I wouldn't say terrible," I shrugged, "but I'd definitely ghost you after you dropped me off at home."

"Understood," he laughed and popped a tempura roll in his mouth, "I think you should tell the kids you're moving out soon. The first day of school is just a few days away, I'm working on a solution with my hours but until then I'm going to need to find help to replace you. I'd like this to be a seamless transition, we cannot afford any mishaps."

"I can stick around to help the first few days, It might be a bit tricky but Olivia is there." I tried to explain but he shook his head in refusal, "Olivia is only at the house for half a day now and I'd rather not confuse the kids with you coming and going. I know it may seem like I'm being harsh but this decision needs to be professional. It can't have anything to do with the way you and I feel about each other."

What he was saying made sense. I understood the pressure he was under and why being professional benefited him more now than it did in the past but it still hurt. It shouldn't have but the stinging in my chest said something else, took what he was saying for something else.

"So right now, I'm just the nanny. A nanny that you're going to replace." He chewed on his bottom lip and tilted his head, "In regards to you leaving yes. You are leaving as their nanny but that doesn't mean—"

"Would you have wanted me to stay?" I cut him off, "what?"

I must've been feeling incredibly masochistic tonight, "I mean I know that you wanted me to stay but would you have wanted me to live with you as your girlfriend instead of Josh and Jamie's nanny?"

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