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A day off during the week was a rarity for me. Every other weekend was nearly impossible these days so when I got the offer to switch shifts with Benson I took it with little to no hesitation. What I hadn't expected was to spend most of that day in the office with my lawyer while he told me how screwed I was. That was how the majority of our meetings went as of late. He told me about a new left-field proposition Stephanie came up with while I sat and listened. Options seemed to be infinite for my ex-wife. For me, I was met with limitations. Terms and conditions I had to meet to accommodate her new lifestyle.

It all wouldn't have been a bad thing if I believed she deserved it and God did I want to put that faith back into her. She had no idea what it was like to see your kids on the brink of destruction while the only thing you could do was sit back and wait for someone else to save them. I had already forgiven her for my own sake that wasn't the problem. It was too soon for them and our boys were the only two things that mattered in this debate.

"At this point, I don't fucking know what I'm paying you for," I tossed the freshly printed papers onto the table and stroked my beard. "This has no validity. It means nothing to me, and it shouldn't mean anything to the judge either." I'd apologize for being so abhorrent later but right now I couldn't believe Stephanie. Thus far I thought we could remain cordial with one another. We'd had tiffs sure, but nothing I would ever consider castrating her for. This was beyond all of her antics.

"I realize you are upset Dominic but let's consider how this might hold up. If there is a chance that Stephanie could offer your boys a two-parent household, the courts would favor her simply because of appearances. She has a stable job with reasonable hours and she makes good money, a home with two rooms and enough space for the kids. Not to mention judges love redeeming mothers. The goal is always to reunite them. You are a single parent working a job that has unreasonable hours. The nanny situation doesn't help you either."

His ramblings uninterested me until he'd spoken the obvious, "What nanny situation?"

"The fact that you have one to begin with. Are you dating anyone? Is there any chance you might have a secret weapon here?"

I laughed and took a long sip of my water, "My romantic life has nothing to do with my ability to raise my kids. Who is this guy anyway and how long have they been together? From my understanding, I thought Steph wasn't interested in dating." At least she never seemed to be. She was so wrapped up in getting back together with me I thought she'd given up trying to find someone else. I wanted her to, this wasn't about having her sick over me for the rest of her life. I wanted a fresh start for the both of us but this isn't the way I wanted her to do it.

"Except you aren't raising your kids. Your nanny—" He dropped his head to check his notes, "Amara is. How do the kids like her?"

"They love her. If they hadn't she would've been gone a long time ago."

He hummed, "I'll see what I can do. In the meantime get ready for your court date and prepare yourself well. Anything can happen."

"What do you think?" I asked him unsure of if I really wanted the answer.

"In regards to what?"

"You think she gets my kids?"

He sighed and dropped his pen onto the table, the sound echoing throughout the mute room. "I think at the very least you'll get fifty-fifty. Things could be worse just, keep your head up."

"Keep my head up," I laughed, "Sounds nearly impossible."


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