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"Whatever works," I smiled and bit the inside of my cheek before taking a deep breath. Her eyebrow danced in amusement before she brought her glass up to her lips to take a sip. "Beautiful party isn't it? Tiffany and David have always been gluttons for extravagance, well, more so Tiffany that is." I nodded my head as she talked, my eyes shifting over to Dominic as he walked over to his wife and removed the alcoholic beverage from her hand. She didn't bat an eyelash, only glanced at him before turning her attention back to me. The tension was near unbearable and I tried to find any reason to slip away and excuse myself but nothing came to mind. Dominic offered me an apologetic smile after a moment, nodding his head toward Tiffany and the rest of his family. Taking the hint, I slipped out of my chair to leave taking my drink with me.

"Don't be cruel Dominic, we were only chatting there's no reason to dismiss her." I could practically hear the smile in her voice.

"Amara, give us a moment please?" Dominic spoke over her, teeth clenched and jaw tensed. He looked pissed, an emotion I'd yet to see on him. Stephanie didn't look any happier, her icy glare planted on me until Dominic stepped in the way of her view. I took a deep breath and walked over to the rest of his family, Jamie clawing his way into my arms as usual while Josh was being spun in the air by one of his uncles. My guess? A brilliant distraction.

"I just want to open the gifts, eat and have this party be done with," Tiffany moaned while running a hand through Jamie's hair. "Let's do that so the guests don't have a spectacle to watch hm? David? Help Tiffany up to the chairs and your father and I will help gather everyone outside." Her mother wore a brave face as she tossed out instructions, everyone moving without another word. Soon, it was just Dan and I waiting around with nothing to do while Josh and Jamie tried to do anything to get closer to their parents. I wanted to ask him a thousand and one questions about his sister and Dominic but because the boys were around I opted to leave it alone. Though it was a killer not knowing anything.

"I know what you must think of her," Dan spoke still carrying Josh on his shoulder. "I bet she hasn't given you many reasons to like her."

I shook my head, "this is only my fifth or sixth time meeting her," and God did it feel like I'd been working for Dominic for months now. Two more weeks later and I'd be twenty-five.

"Kids? Why don't you go hang out with mom for a bit before she leaves?" He finally stopped tickling Josh and set him down on the ground. I saw Josh's mouth twitch but Dan shut it down with a stern glare. Reluctantly, I squeezed Jamie before letting him run off behind his brother. "Things between Dom and Stephanie are complicated," he started once we were alone.

"I love my sister to death but she's got some things she needs to work on—" he glanced behind me and I couldn't help but follow his gaze. Jamie was in Dominic's arms while Stephanie tenderly played with Josh's hair. For a moment they looked like a happy family, with nothing but smiles and giggles coming from the couple and the kids. Pain radiated throughout my chest and shook me to my core. He still loved her, and while he might've tried to deny it you could see it in his eyes. In the way, he leaned towards her whenever they spoke.

"I just hope that they can come to some agreement for the kids," I frowned.

"You really care about them don't you?" Dan asked. "It's kinda hard not to, the kids are super cute." I laughed but that wasn't the only reason I had taken such a liking to the Grays. I'd been in California for two years now and while Zaria always made me feel comfortable living with her it never really felt like home. He had his problems, but Dominic's home was filled with love. You could feel it even when he wasn't home and every single person in those boy's life loved them with every bone in their body. It wasn't only nice to see it was refreshing to be around. It crushed me and made me miss my own family more than I already did but I needed to be around the familiar chaos because it reminded me that not everybody had it all.

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