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"Already starting to pack?" Dom stood in my doorway with both arms on either side of the wall. We still had two days before we left but if I didn't start now, I'd be up doing it at three in the morning on Wednesday and that was the last thing I wanted. To be unprepared. I had a habit of forgetting things when I went down the street. I couldn't risk leaving things behind while I was in a different country.

"Just outfits I bought for the trip. I'm feeling a bit anxious actually so doing something clears my head." Though he was making that much harder now. "I don't blame you, I'm feeling a bit—apathetic."

"Is wedding blues a thing?" I raised a brow and zipped
up my suitcase for the night. Dominic laughed and walked over to sit on my bed. "Not entirely sure but if it is I definitely have it. A severe form of melancholy, almost crippling actually." He was joking to make me feel more comfortable but I could tell just how bothered he was about this whole thing by his lack of eye contact. From the moment I met him, Dominic spent every second looking into my eyes when he spoke to me. Now, he was looking anywhere but.

"That's why you didn't want to go right?"

His eyes finally met mine, "who told you that?"

"David mentioned it when he dropped the kids off the other day. When he was attempting to convince me to go that is." I glanced at the time on my phone before pushing it aside. It was rare, only happening once or twice before but tonight Dominic would be home during Stephanie's visit with the kids. That meant no Clara and I'd probably have to spend the two hours she
was here up in my room to avoid any unnecessary confrontation with her.

"David convinced you to go?" He asked brows laced with confusion. "Not exactly, I didn't have to think about it much. It's your parents and I know it's hard but I'm sure they'd want to see you celebrating with them. Besides you've done so much for me already the least I could do is offer you some moral support." Dominic smiled brightly and dropped his head with a laugh before looking at me. "Which favor are you returning for that one?"

"You're counting favors?"

"No, but you definitely do. I wouldn't be surprised if you've written down everything I've ever done for you. Bet you check it off paid in full when you're done too."

"I bet you think you're soo funny," I mocked while slightly hitting him in the side. His laugh was deeper this time and slightly exasperated. "The favors I do for you are different, I don't count them the same way I do everyone else." That's where I should've stopped him. I shouldn't have asked him to explain or to tell me anything other than goodbye but my desire to know overpowered my need for sanity.

Taking a deep breath, I looked at our thighs pressed together and blinked hard. I hadn't even noticed he was sitting that close to me. Not until his face turned toward me and it wouldn't take any effort. If I wanted to kiss him that is and I wanted to. Just to appease the curiosity that had been practically drowning me for the past few days.

"How do you count my favors Dominic?"

He was looking at my lips now, eyes drawing to a quick close before he opened them again. "With the expectation that you wouldn't want to offer me anything in return ever. Not even money. Seeing a smile on your face is payment enough."

God, this man was pure evil.

"Remind me again why you aren't interested in dating?"

Just before he could answer me the doorbell rang and he hung his head in defeat. "That's probably Stephanie," he sighed, waiting until the doorbell rang a second time before he got off of my bed. He put out his hand and I took it, groaning as he helped me stand on my feet. "Should I stay upstairs?" I asked hesitantly. Dom shook his head sternly, "of course not. If there's any reason you need to come downstairs please don't be afraid to."

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