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"Thank you for agreeing to see me, Amara. You haven't been answering my calls so I didn't think you would show." Luis was nothing short of apologetic as he played with his keychain. I honestly hadn't known why I even decided to show up, why I had answered his calls in the first place. "Yea well I have to get back home soon so if you could make this quick." I couldn't look him in the eyes. Not because I thought I'd fall back into him if I did so but because I hated the way he was looking at me. Pleading for me to take him back. It was pathetic and even after everything he did, I didn't want to see him like that.

"Home? Didn't know you thought of that place as your home," he feigned a laugh and combed a tattooed hand through his hair.

"Well, it is my home. I've been there for weeks now and will be there until further notice so."

"Yeah but you know what I mean."

"Look, if this is what you wanted to talk about I can just go home." I couldn't lie. The way his face pulled made me the happiest person alive. If I really wanted to get under his skin, I'd talk about how much I loved my new job. How great the boys were and how close Dominic and I had gotten. I'd tell him how attentive he was, how kind and thoughtful just to piss him off more. To rub salt in the wound I'd tell him how much he disliked him. How he thought I could do so much better, deserved, so much better than him.

But I wouldn't. Not yet at least.

"Alright alright, look—I'm sorry alright? Amara, you have to know I never meant to hurt you. Kate she—"

"How long?" I interrupted him. "What do you mean?"

"How long have you two been fucking behind my back, Luis?"

He paused and his hand smacked the table gently, "since before I met you but you have to understand—"

"Since before you met me? Luis, what the fuck were we doing then? Why would you even—God, I met your parents! Do you know how much of a massive waste of time all of this was?" Tears, involuntary and unwanted began to build in my eyes but I blinked them away. I wasn't sad and I didn't want him to think I was sad over him. I was pissed and I couldn't jump over this table to slap him like I wanted and that was the sole reason those God-forsaken tears were falling now.

"I know how it looks but I never liked Kate Mar. We were just fucking around and when you came along I wanted to get to know you. It's you who I wanted Amara, you have to understand that."

I laughed, "wanted me so bad you continued fucking your first bitch the entire time you were with me? Give me a fucking break Luis. You're pathetic, you're disgusting, and I want nothing to do with you. Don't call me anymore, don't text me, don't dm me on anything. Forget I existed because we are done. Nothing you ever say or do is going to change that fact do you understand me?"

"Amara," he pleaded, "do I have to talk to you like you're a child? That's fine—" I stood up and leaned both hands on the table while he looked up at me, "it's important that you respect other people's boundaries, Luis—"

"Amara, come on."

"No is an answer as much as yes is." I continued pissing him off further, "alright you've made your fucking point just—you're making a scene."

I couldn't believe I even wasted my time coming out here, "leave me alone. I don't want to tell you that again Luis."

Today had to have been the worst day of my life. It wasn't enough that I'd accidentally sped through two red lights and I was sure both cameras caught me doing it. When I decided life was worth more than my budding anger I relaxed and eased up on the gas pedal, but that didn't stop the car coming out of the left lane from barreling into the side of me. Steam poured out of my car and the airbag smacked me in the face, blood immediately poured from one of my extremities and I was honestly too scared to look.

 𝑻 𝑯 𝑬   𝑵 𝑨 𝑵 𝑵 𝒀  (18+) Where stories live. Discover now