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Helloo my friends!

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Helloo my friends!

First off I want to say thanks to all of you for sticking with me through this very long journey😭 It's been over a year of the nanny and that's unbelievable! We also hit 1mil reads and I'm forever thankful for that🤍

To Start

I have a confession to make and that is that I really don't like this story😭 Actually through the entirety of me writing it I absolutely hated every second of it. What I did love was reading your comments and how much you loved the book and the characters which was the only thing getting me through finishing this book. It has vexed me in every way and I'm so glad to finally be done with it :)

Another reason I didn't like it is because of its pace. I enjoyed how long it took Dom and Amara to get together but you all did not lol. I know most of you were joking and that's fine but to the people who were genuinely upset at how long it took for smut to happen and or skipped chapters I need you to PAY ATTENTION.

I am not ignorant of the implications of a 37-year-old man starting a sexual and romantic relationship with his 23-year-old financially insecure nanny. I did not want Dominic to feel like a weirdo praying on this poor girl. I wanted their relationship to be organic and realistic. I will not compromise my morals for the sake of literary sex. Find someone else to do that.

On a lighter note, I won't make you wait too long for the epilogue because like I said I want to be done with this book

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On a lighter note, I won't make you wait too long for the epilogue because like I said I want to be done with this book. The epilogue is already planned out but I'd like to ask you all what you'd want to see in bonus chapters? Feel free to tell me in the comments and I will make chapters on what you want to see! I will only be doing 2 bonus chapters so choose wisely🤍 (but if you're nice I may give you a little more🤭)

What's next?

I have three ongoing stories on my page that I absolutely adore and three completed works if you're new to my page! Feel free to check those out if you need another read or just enjoy being here🥰 Like I said I absolutely loved reading your comments and responding to them when I could so thank you all for making this book worth it. With that, I will see you all in the epilogue!

With lots of love,

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