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                                  A M A R A

"How does that feel? Do you think you'll be able to sleep with that on or do you want a smaller bandage? I can wrap it if you want?" I glanced down at Josh's leg and grimaced. "Tomorrow we'll go without the bandaid, let it get some air. At least that's what I think, I have to ask your dad." I shook my head and tapped on my chin. If he wasn't passed out with cold sweats right now he'd be the one in here doing wound care but instead, Josh was stuck with me. Someone who left most injuries up to God out of pure laziness.

"Where is Daddy?" He asked and I couldn't ignore the softness in his tone. "Daddy's sick so he's still sleeping," I expected him to be out for a couple of hours but it was going on ten and he was still out like a light. I was starting to get worried, but I didn't want to extend that feeling to his children. "As sick as I would be if I had dairy or he can't go to school sick?"

I smiled, "Can't go to school sick I'm sure. He might have to call out tomorrow."

Josh yawned and peeked out his door, "is Jamie asleep?

I nodded. Jamie was the first one I put to bed because it was easier to put him to bed. He fell asleep with a quick story and a kiss to his forehead and I loved him for it. Josh on the other hand liked to talk before he went to sleep and because I found it kinda cute, I talked back.

"Can we sleep in the living room tomorrow night?" I prayed he was this sweet every night, "sure we can have a sleepover in the living room. We can get some snacks tomorrow and you and Jame can pick out what you like. We can go back to the park too if you want. You might not be able to run around but you loved the sea saw no?"

His face scrunched up and he turned his head, "I don't want to go to the park."

"You've been begging to go to the park all summer and now you don't want to go to the park?" He turned up his nose, "Not if you're gonna be flirting the whole time."


"You know," I clapped my hands together and moved in closer to him, "it's been a long while since you and I have had a talk."

"A talk?" He yawned, "Mhm about your feelings and stuff. You can just tell me. I've known you long enough to read between the lines but if you're worried about me leaving or spending less time with you it's almost impossible. I live here, I have to see your cute face every day."

Against all his efforts he giggled and it was the sweetest thing I'd ever heard, "Dad lives here and he's gone and mom—" he trailed off and I felt my chest pang. I grabbed his hand and held it in my own, "know that the time your dad does spend with you is the absolute highlight of his day. Do you know he has me debrief him on you and your brother's day when he comes home from work? Since the first day I started here his first question has always been about the both of you. When he comes home from work and the both of you are sleeping he sits in each of your rooms for a little bit and I've never seen him happier than when he's with you."

I wiped a tear from his eye and smiled, "Your dad is here and so is your mother, and—so am I. So no matter who I talk to in the park Josh at the end of my day, this is where I am." I pointed to his bed and shrugged my shoulders. He wiped his nose with the back of his hand just to annoy me because he had to ruin the moment, "I'm sorry for saying you had no friends Aamra. I'm your friend too." I grabbed a tissue from his nightstand and wiped his arm off with tears in my eyes.

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