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"Maybe we should pick something up for your dad? I think he likes these little Oreo cakes, I mean I see him eat them sometimes." I held the box up to Josh and Jamie and they shrugged in return, "he's still sick you know? I think it might be nice if we made him something, what do you guys think?" I wasn't a cook myself, and I was sure I'd just end up making him feel worse but I wanted to do something for him. Olivia always made the best meals and I knew a can of soup wouldn't compare to anything she's made him while he was sick but it was the thought that counted.

I hoped.

Jamie ran to grab a pack of Saltine crackers from a shelf before handing them to me, "Daddy likes these."
Gross. I tossed them into the cart and sighed to myself, "Josh what do you think? Is your dad a chicken noodle or like a wild mushroom kind of guy?" Knowing he had no idea what I meant I laughed and continued down the aisle, "Don't answer that he's most definitely a tomato soup kind of guy."

"Yuck," they both exclaimed and I had to agree, "Yuck is right. Let's just get a few cans and make him taste all three. Thoughts?" Just then someone called Josh's name and I turned around to look at them. It was an older woman, probably around the same age as Dominic and she had short black hair that stopped at her shoulders. She smiled brightly and waved to the boys before she turned to me, "You must be the nanny?"

"And you are?" The bite in my tone was evident, "I'm so sorry I'm Gina, we spoke on the phone? I called about the playdate with my boys." Ahhhhh. "Yes, yes, hi sorry I didn't recognize the voice."

"It's so nice to meet you, did Dominic ever get back to you about setting something up this summer?" I looked at my cart and pulled at my finger, "Yes I told him to give you a call but he's just been busy. I'll let him know I ran into you today though. It probably just slipped his mind."

Gina nodded her head along and laughed, "Still very busy then I presume?"

"Always on the move," I dragged out. "Maybe I should stop by, it has been a while."

A while? I thought to myself. Before the thought could grow any bigger Josh stepped up and stood in front of me, "Daddy's sick. He has to miss school sick." I rolled my eyes, "he's not feeling well is what he means."

"Ah, well I'll make sure to give him a call. It was nice seeing you boys, wonderful to meet you too...?" She trailed off, "Oh I'm Amara."

She nodded, "I have to get going but I should hope I'll see you soon." She waved and walked off. "Are your dad and Gina friends?"

Josh shrugged, "is Gina married?" He shrugged again.

"What do you know Gray?" I asked him sarcastically. He stood behind his brother on the end of the cart while I pushed it down the aisle. He used one hand to lock his lips before giggling to himself, "I know Dad does not like wild mushroom soup."


"We're back!" I shouted as I tossed my keys onto the table. It was hot and we were all sweaty but we managed to make it home in one piece and not one of them dropped the grocery bags on the way inside or tripped over their laces at the park. It was a good day and I hoped it continued to be one.

"Ugh, these bags are heavy," Josh whined as he walked down the corridor. I laughed to myself when I heard it smack the ground. "Jamie, is your bag too heavy too?"
He shook his head and ran behind his brother with a smile. I heard Dominic's bedroom door swing open along with him groaning as he jotted down the stairs. Even when he was sick he still managed to be the loudest person in the house.

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