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                                  A M A R A

"You haven't said a word in over ten minutes," Dominic looked at me with a bit of uncertainty written across his face. It wasn't that I didn't want to speak. I just wasn't really sure of what I should have said. Olivia's cryptic message left me feeling more than a little blindsided and the slightly cold hello from Clara felt like a knife to my chest. She'd apologized after, claiming exhaustion for her being so blazé but I knew that there was something else going on.

Something I was only supposed to address when the weekend was over but that was all I could manage to think about on the ride to wherever it was he was taking me. That and the fact that my best friend thought that I was dating some stranger from the park and my dad hadn't called me to say happy birthday yet. I could've tried harder to deter my friend from coming to such conclusions but I figured that would have been better than involving someone else into the multifaceted web that was my relationship with Dominic. I'd tell her eventually and by that time I was positive she would have no reason to disapprove of the relationship. As for my father, he was normally the first person to say happy birthday to me besides Zaria. It had become somewhat of a tradition of ours so when the clock hit three and he still hadn't called I was terrified that something might've happened to him. Of course, he could've just been busy, I hoped he'd finally found something or someone to spend his time with but I knew my father and the chances of that happening were slim to none so there was reason to worry.

"I just have a lot on my mind," I shrugged. It wasn't a lie. I had a great deal on my mind but it wasn't worth sharing with him. Not at the moment that is.

"Yes, but we've only been in the car for ten minutes. Are you having second thoughts?" I could hear the slight pang of worry in his voice. The tiny devil on his shoulder that told him how stupid all of this was. It was the same one that tried so hard to convince me. "Having second thoughts no, I—my father hasn't called me yet and I'm just worried about him. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt and say that he's just busy but—"

"You're his only daughter and he lives miles away and it's your birthday," he finished my sentence. Our eyes crossed paths for a brief moment before he hummed, "It's still early. Why don't you give him until we get to our destination and if he still hasn't called then we'll worry."

I nodded feeling suddenly comforted by the hand that lingered on my thigh. He squeezed it gently before rubbing his palm over my skin. "Where is it that we're going anyways?" I asked for the millionth time and all he did was smile, "It's a surprise I told you. Just enjoy the ride."

"I don't like these kinds of surprises," I reminded him. No surprise for me had ever been good. Actually, every last one had ended in misery. I almost didn't want to admit how hopeful I was about this particular surprise. How reassured I felt that he had done all of this for me.

"Well, we've both been taking leaps of faith, growing. Hopefully, this can be something you can grow to love too."

"Too," I repeated smiling to myself. "We'll see."


There was something so serene about the countryside. Never mind the astounding view, it was the quiet that made it all so alluring. In the moments when everything seemed like it was going to fall apart, it was the quiet I sought comfort in. The peace of knowing I had myself if no one else. Usually, I had no choice in the matter. My mind ran at a mile a minute so peace and quiet was something I didn't get to enjoy very often. Neither did I get to see vineyards very often but this one was beautiful.

"This is your birthday present," Dominic opened the door on my side of the car and extended a hand. "One of them, that is."

I shook my head and turned towards the cabin, Dominic laughing beside me. "What's so funny?" It came out almost as a whisper. "Nothing," he smiled, "let me get the bags. I'll meet you inside."

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