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I had a way of making my life more complicated than it needed to be. The overworking myself, the constant overthinking—Luis. It was a bad habit I'd been trying to kick since I was sixteen and I think it just reached its height. I did regret kissing Dominic last night but not because I didn't want him or because I thought it was a mistake. I didn't know where we went from here and that was the most taxing thought on my spirit at the moment. The only reason I decided to sit on a lawn chair last night while the sun rose to sleep instead of settling into a bed.

The morning came with a crick in my neck and discontent but the view was gorgeous so the slight discomfort I had during my walk to the shower was bearable. I slipped off my clothes, kicking them to the side before stepping into the tub. I let the water hit my face first, a failed attempt at trying to clear my head but of course, it didn't work. I was out twenty minutes later, lathering myself in lotion before getting ready for the day. The dress Zaria picked out for me was champagne pink and floor length. The straps were spaghetti and again it was an ensemble that hugged me so tight I wondered how I'd be able to move.

There were still a few hours before the ceremony so instead, I threw on a tank top and a pair of shorts before going downstairs to find the kids. I hadn't seen Dominic yet and I was glad for it because unlike me I knew last night would be something he'd want to talk about. It was just a kiss. A kiss I hadn't stopped thinking about since it happened but nonetheless a kiss. Nothing more nothing less and if I let it get the better of me this early on I was in for a rude awakening.

"I'm hot Amara!" Jamie complained as he tried to fan himself. His cheeks were hot and red so I pulled out a spray bottle from my bag and spritzed him a few times with it. It had been unreasonably warm and temperaments were suffering because of it. You couldn't even look at Tiffany without her snapping at you, David forcing her to hide out in the house where there was air conditioning while the rest of us worked. Well not all of us. Besides moving a few chairs outside my only job was to keep an eye on the kids while everyone set up the garden and for the first time since taking this job, I was relieved to be just the nanny.

"Daddy!" Jamie yelled and used my arms as a prop to lift himself. I stared straight ahead as I heard Dominic walking over to us—Josh staring at me with a suspicious grin. I rolled my eyes at him and started picking up their toys. "Are you both having fun with Amara?"

"Yes," Jamie laughed.

"No," Josh answered flatly but a smile lingered on his tiny face. I stuffed all of their shit into my bag and turned on my heels, Dominic blocking my only way back into the house. He looked at me, eyes dropping to my lips before he frowned. "Why don't you both go inside and check on your aunt Tiffany hm?"

They were gone not even a second later.

"Are you avoiding me?" Simple and straight to the point. I wasn't surprised but still, he'd caught me off guard.

"No, I'm not."

His head tilted, "Would you like me to stand here and pretend like I didn't kiss you last night or do you want to talk about it?"

I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or earnest but if I had to guess, I'd go with the former.

"I'd like to talk about it but right now I think we should just—"

"Pretend," he finished my sentence and I nodded, "just until the ceremony is over." Just enough time to figure out what I had to say, to figure out what happened after this.

"If that's what you want," he agreed looking down at his watch. "I have to get back to helping out but I'll find you later?"

My stomach knotted and I nodded my head, "Yes of course. Later."

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