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"You're welcome, Mrs. Demarco. We'll take good care of your daughter I can assure you of that," I smiled as the woman walked out of my office. Taking a deep breath I pushed the files on my desk aside and leaned back in my chair with my eyes closed. I was ashamed to admit that I had been falling asleep all day, I was lucky I only had consultations or I would've had a few major lawsuits on my hand. Groaning, I picked my head up and rested it against my desk instead. I had to go home, should've been on my way there already but I just couldn't get my feet to move.

"Come in!" I shouted and David waltzed in with Dan a few seconds later, "who keeps letting the both of you in here?" I laughed. It wasn't the first time they'd ambushed me in my office and I was sure it wouldn't be the last. At this point I assumed every knock on my door was them and I fought the urge to get them thrown out by security every time.

"We have good new," David smiled as he took a seat in front of me.

"No news you bring is ever good but proceed," I grabbed the rest of my things and set them beside me before checking my phone. Amara hadn't texted me so I hoped that meant Stephanie's visit went well. After her display at Tiffany's baby shower, her lawyers had no other choice but to comply with my terms. If I kept the incident to myself and continued to allow Stephanie to see the kids during her allowed time, she would sign the divorce papers. I didn't believe it until I saw her take the pen and sign her name myself. I thought I'd feel relieved or happy that I was finally done with her but I only felt numb. I wasn't in love with her anymore but the end of a marriage was something to grieve bad blood or not. She left her ring on the table by the papers and kissed my forehead before leaving quietly, the sheer stain of her lipgloss still on my skin.

"You're going on a date," Dan smiled and I scoffed in return. Dating was the last thing on my mind and anyone they had to introduce me to was even further. "No," I deadpanned.

"What do you mean no?"

"I mean no, I'm not looking to date," and I meant that. I was fine with being single for a while. I couldn't even spare time for my kids, it wouldn't be fair to them if I started trying to spend what little time I had with a woman. I missed having sex, but not so much that I'd turn into an even worse father because of it.

"It's not about dating, it's about getting you laid man. It's been long enough," Dan sighed. "I think it's strange that you're so concerned with my sex life, the both of you."

"It's not like that, but it's not like you have to take the standard two years off from dating. You and Stephanie have been done for years now Dominic, nothing is stopping you from getting back out there so you're going on a date. She's one of Tiffany's friends, it'll be good," David assured. I wasn't surprised Tiffany was involved. She was always in my business, I'd bet she started going through her contact book as soon as I told her Stephanie signed the papers.

"Fine, when is this supposed date?" I was outnumbered. If Tiff was a part of this that meant my mother was too and I didn't make arguing with women a habit. I'd lose every time.

"That depends, when are you free?"

"Not this week or this weekend. Next weekend is my off time so I suppose I can spare a day but you know I like to spend my weekends off with the kids." A warning I spoke aloud for myself more so than them.

"Relax, you'll still have your weekend. I'll shoot you her number. Her name is Rebecca, text her when you get the time."

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