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Swim days were the absolute worst part of my job. They were too scared to get into the water and when they finally did they'd hold themselves, hostage, in the pool. I couldn't get them out and their instructor damn sure couldn't so I was forced to sit in the water watching the two of them like a hawk until their skin got so itchy they had to get out. Dominic was a rather cool man even when it came to his kids but I could tell how nervous he got when it came to swimming and for good reason. Every week twice a week he'd wait anxiously for me to tell him how they did and if they had any problems. I'd tell him no every time but that didn't stop him from worrying and if he was able to stay home for the night he always spent an extra few minutes or so in their bedrooms to wish them a good night.

Today was going to be a bit different. Erin their swim coach couldn't come tomorrow so she had to come today. The only problem with that was today was also Stephanie's turn to visit the kids with Clara and I had to be the one to tell Dominic the good news. I checked on the boys before I went to his office to talk to him. It was still pretty early so I was careful to be quiet to not wake the kids up. They were grumpy in the early hours of the morning and I was in no mood to deal with that today. I'd already had my hands full with her.

I said hello to Olivia on my way to his office, stopping to shout from the closed door before going inside. "Can I talk to you for a second?" I knocked on Dominic's office door before peering my head inside. The man cleared his throat and tossed a few files into his drawer before motioning for me to enter. I pushed the door closed, and sat at his desk anxiously. He looked better this morning, eyes fresh with freshly ironed clothes. Nothing like the loose-lipped, tie-drawn-over-his-shoulder look he was sporting last night. It was crazy, but I found myself battling with which one I preferred.

"Amara let me just say if I said anything to make you feel—"

"Oh no," I interrupted him, "this has nothing to do with last night. If anything, I should be the one apologizing to you." Lucky girl. I spent the entire night thinking about it over and over again. The look on his face, the silence in the room. All of it was too much and I hoped by this time he wouldn't remember an ounce of it. Of course, I couldn't get that lucky.

"Were you thinking about that before I came in here?" he nodded his head, "I've been thinking about it since you went to bed last night. I'm not one to forget things after drinking. I've been mortified all night."

He didn't look mortified but he'd always been good with handling his emotions, "you shouldn't be. You said we were friends right? Friends talk about that kind of stuff together," I joked making him laugh.

"You talk about that kind of stuff with your friends?"

"You don't?" He grimaced, "Dan and David talk about that kinda stuff I don't."

"Hmm," I hummed, "I guess we can't all be as classy as you Mr. Gray."

His eyebrow pulled, "was there anything else you needed Amara?"

"Two things, the boys' swim instructor won't be able to make it tomorrow so she's asked to come today instead. I know today is Stephanie's day to visit so I thought I'd bring it to you first."

"And the other thing?" He sighed, "My dad might be flying down here from Maine soon. He's been worried about me since the crash and I can't convince him I'm okay enough for him to stay home. Just in case he drops by, of course, I'd like to ask you first before inviting him here." I already knew what he was going to say but I wasn't the type to just do things because I knew the other person would be okay with it.

"Erin can come today but I'd still like you to stay in the pool with the boys. Today, you trump Steph's visit so no need to leave her alone with them." He checked his watch and stood up from his desk, "As for your father you don't have to ask me if he can come to visit his daughter. I have to get to work now but if he needs a place to stay while he's in town, feel free to have him stay here. Have a good day Amara and as always if something goes wrong please don't hesitate to text me."

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