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"I have somewhere to be so can we make this quick?" Stephanie placed a cup of coffee on the table before sitting down herself. She huffed, twisting her hair into a claw clip while raising an expectant brow at me. Her makeup was done, clothes new and freshly ironed. She wanted me to know that she was doing good or at the very least ask what she'd gotten all dolled up for but that wasn't why I'd asked to see her this morning and to be quite honest, I didn't care.

"No worries, I have consults after this so I won't take up too much of your time," I stated, pulling a white envelope from my duffel bag sitting beside my chair. She stared at the piece of paper for a moment, fingers hesitantly hovering over it.

"It won't hurt you Steph, just open it," I laughed and took a sip from my mug. If I'd been in my right mind I would've gotten myself a black coffee. It was strong enough to get me through the day and awful enough to make me feel better about drinking so much caffeine. With Amara's influence, I was defiling the poor beverage by tapping sugar and creamer into it.

"What is this?" She held it up in the air before slamming it back down onto the table. Not hard enough to cause a scene but loud enough to get my attention.

"It's a compromise, I figured we could do so without lawyers. You seem to be pushing the narrative that my household would be unstable because I am single. Need I remind you, whomever it is you're dating has absolutely no reign over our children. He isn't your husband unless you went and got married without telling me that too." Not that I would've cared either way. The problem was her using things against me that I hadn't even known about. A low blow and a massive regression to the woman she used to be. The one that I had respect for.

"Is that something I'm supposed to tell you?" She mocked.

"Don't be dense, I'd assume you'd want the same opportunity if I were to get into a relationship with someone you didn't know. This isn't about me and you Steph, it's about the kids. I wouldn't care who you dated otherwise."

"I have to say I do not miss your pointed insults," her finger traced the edge of her cup and she shook her head in dismay, "would you like to meet him?"

"That wasn't an insult. What's insulting is you reducing my ability to parent to what's going on in my romantic life. I understand you want to see them more, we can do that, but not if this is how you want to go about it."

"You didn't answer my question, Dom."

My jaw tensed and I tapped my finger against my mug, "Yes I would like to meet him."

Stephanie laughed, not patronizing nor pointed, she laughed. Amusement was the only emotion spread through the lines on her face, "you've always sat on some sort of moral high horse Dom so this is quite a shock to me."

"How do you mean?" I ignored her insult and continued my tapping.

"I found a pregnancy test box in the hall bathroom," she paused, "I wasn't snooping not this time. I went to toss a paper towel into the bin and there it was clear as day. " Steph leaned against the table and narrowed her eyes at me, "Do I know who the girl you might've gotten knocked up is? Or am I the only one on trial here?"

Hypocrisy. I'd found myself at the forefront of it more than I would've liked lately and I still hadn't figured out a way to make sense of it. I didn't lie, I wasn't a liar and I never felt the need to tell one until this moment. I just needed more time, a non-option at the moment it seemed.

"You don't have to answer that. You don't have the time to go out and mingle, so you stay close to home. You however are the last person I'd think would blur such already muddy lines."

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