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                              7 months later...

"Amara Jones," The announcer called out my name as cheers erupted from the bleachers. They'd asked everyone to keep their excitement at bay until the end of the ceremony but there was no stopping Josh and Jamie from yelling in their seats. If that wasn't enough Dominic's entire family brought multiple trinkets to embarrass me with. David and Dan with an air horn and a cardboard cut out of my face while Dom and Tiff held a poster with my name on it. Even the baby had an onsie with my face on it. It was nothing short of mortifying.

To my dismay no matter how humiliating I found their antics I couldn't ignore the pull in my chest when I spotted Zar in the middle aisle snapping pictures of me with Jose. Perks of having an outdoor graduation and they happened to take full advantage of the open space. I waved briefly fighting back tears I'd been holding since I'd gotten to the stadium and probably wouldn't stop fighting them until I had my degree in my hands.

Then I'd cry like a baby.

All of my hard work led up to this very moment and honestly, I didn't know how I felt. Relief was the word I was looking for but it wasn't what I felt. I was happy to finally put college behind me but I mourned for what I lost in the process. The empty seat where my mother should've sat. My father left a bouquet in her absence with a portrait of me and her before she had gotten sick. I begged him not to do it at first but seeing it there now—maybe she liked it too.

I sat on the mildly uncomfortable chairs on stage as the rest of the names were being called, my hand itching to toss my cap and be done with it all. When the moment came no one wasted a second. Hats, balloons, and confetti flew through the air as students hugged each other but all I wanted to do was see my family.

I ran down the stairs of the stage running into Dom who scooped me up into his arms and spun me around. We hadn't told my father about our being together but right now I was unconcerned with the consequences. Dom littered my face with kisses before setting me down and hugging me tighter. "I'm so proud of you Amara," he beamed and if my cheeks could turn red I'm sure they'd be the deepest shade.

"PDA? You must be in love Dom," Kosta walked off the stage and pulled me away from him. "Congratulations Amara, I'm also very proud of you."

Dominic scoffed, "Where's Venus?"

"She's pulling the car up. It's going to be hell getting out of here but she leaves you with gifts Amara. They're in the car but I'll drop them off at your apartment after you come back from dinner." She kissed me on the cheek and hugged Dominic before getting ready to leave.

"You know you and Venus are more than welcome to come. Dom booked some expensive ass restaurant with an unnecessarily large table. There's room." I knew she'd politely decline again, but it wouldn't be me if I didn't ask.

"Order something extra expensive for me then? Enjoy your night Amara." She waved one last time before walking off. I looked up at Dom and he squeezed my hand before nodding to the seats, "Come on I've hogged you long enough."

I joined the rest of the cavalry, smiling at a red-faced Jamie trying to blow on a kazoo. He was five now and although everyone else around him still considered him a baby he did not. He wouldn't let anyone help him and after a while, Dom took it so the poor kid wouldn't pass out. "I'm sure the music would've been lovely Jame," I picked him up and gave him a tight squeeze.

Josh walked up with my dad and when I noticed his hands behind his back I braced myself. "Congratulations sweetpea," my father kissed my forehead before stepping aside. Josh stood in front of him and held out both his fists.

 𝑻 𝑯 𝑬   𝑵 𝑨 𝑵 𝑵 𝒀  (18+) Where stories live. Discover now