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"Thank you for agreeing to lunch with me Amara. I would've loved to do this sooner but William and I have just been so busy planning this party for his job." She waved a stressed hand in the air before taking a sip of her sparkling water. "You were able to get out okay? Dominic didn't give you a hard time did he?"

I shook my head, "No he and the kids are actually helping Stephanie get settled into her new apartment. She got released from the hospital a few days ago and I guess Dan needed help since her parents couldn't make it." The house felt incredibly empty with the three of them gone but it was for the best. I didn't want to be blamed for keeping her kids away from her while she was recovering from an accident. Josh and Jamie were less than excited about helping their mother unpack but they sucked it up with the promise of ice pops from their father. Me moving out of the Grey household too soon would prove to be disastrous for those poor kids.

"Ah, I heard she landed herself in the hospital. Good, she's feeling better." She took another sip of her water, "anyways I wanted to speak candidly with you Amara and I don't want you to feel like you can't be honest with me because I'm Dom's mother."

"Okay," I replied anxiously. I could tell where this was going and I could only hope it went well. Better than running into Olivia with me hoisted over Dominic's shoulder that is.

"If Dom is happy, then I am happy. I had my fair share of meddling while he and Stephanie were together and it proved to be no help so I don't make interfering with his personal life a habit but I have to ask. Are the two of you together?" She practically whispered that last bit. "I've been trying to wrap my head around the possibility for a few weeks now but I'd prefer to hear it aloud."

I thought over a response for a minute or so before Clara smiled, "You know what? Don't tell me. I'd rather not get an angry phone call from my son later on tonight," she laughed.

"I just want to make sure the both of you are being safe. I don't think I need to remind you of the implications that come with dating your boss. Or how it could affect Dom's current custody battle with Stephanie." Battle? I hadn't known she was that serious about getting split custody. I knew that it was a possibility but she seemed far from ready to take on that responsibility.

"I have been taking that into consideration which is why I've been considering taking another job when school starts."

Her eyebrows creased, "have you spoken about that with Dom?"

"I have but I don't think he's really taken my concerns seriously. He thinks it's doable but I want to make sure Josh and Jamie have someone's full attention and I can't give that to them while going back to school." The more I thought about it the more impractical it sounded. I wanted to find a way to be able to juggle it all without spreading myself thin but it seemed near impossible.

"I think doing what's best for you is important in this situation. There will be some obvious growing pains but it's better to get out before it complicates things. You're young Amara. You still have time to make mistakes and figure out who you are. I just hope you don't take a different job and treat the rest of us like strangers," Clara laughed.

"I would never! I can't imagine how boring my life would be without those kids in it." And Dominic but I didn't need to tell his mother that.

Clara put a hand across the table and squeezed mine, "I do hope things go well for you Amara. You are a bright and talented young woman. I would hate to see you lose sight of that."

"Thank you, Clara," I smiled, "I'll figure it out. I always do."

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