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                                     A M A R A

I didn't like being in hospitals.

My pacing around the lobby made that abundantly clear. I wasn't looking for comfort and I didn't expect any from anyone. I wasn't the one in the hospital, I didn't intend to make this about me but that didn't stop Dom from giving my arm a slight squeeze on his way to a chair in the corner. He didn't say anything and he didn't have to. He knew how I felt and even if it was as simple as a glance he'd acknowledged it.

"What did the doctors say?" Clara asked. Everyone turned to look at Dom while he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"He's fine, just resting now. He'll probably feel a bit sore in his throat but he's alive. That's all that matters right now," he trailed off and I watched his gaze settle on Stephanie and her boyfriend rushing into the emergency room lobby.

Dom's knuckles turned white as he gripped the handle of his chair. I wanted to reach out and grab it, to tell him that this wasn't the time or place to cause a scene but I also didn't want to police his anger. Nor did I want to be on the receiving end of it. I'd seen Dom annoyed before but never truly angry. This was his son in the hospital—I had no idea what was going through his head so I'd reason with him once he'd calmed down. For now, I could only hope he didn't get himself kicked out of the hospital.

Without saying a word he stood up and brushed past Stephanie to her guilt-stricken boyfriend. The punch to his face came so fast I'd barely seen it. Heads turned and Dan and David waited a few seconds before standing up to defuse the situation.

"Are you a fucking idiot?" He asked. A rhetorical question no one dared to answer.

"Dom please, it was an accident he would never—"

"Oh and you know a hell of a lot about Accidents don't you Steph?" He scoffed.

"Dominic that is enough!" Clara shouted but he waved a hand at her.

"No Mom, it's about time we stop pretending like her negligence is accidental. Josh has been allergic to dairy since he was two fucking years old Stephanie. He's avoided dairy in my house for five years even if it was in the fridge! Tell me why he spends a few hours with you and he ends up going into anaphylactic shock?" His hands were behind his back and folded in on one another while he waited for her answer.

"I'm sorry, I must've accidentally grabbed the regular milk while I was making dinner tonight. I can't be sorry enough Dominic but it was just that, an accident."

"Accidents don't almost kill my son! This is the second time this has happened in your care!" He yelled and this time I was sure the whole floor could hear him.
Clara and Tiffany decided to go take Jamie for a walk around the hospital while his dad and everyone else stood close by.

"I am trying Dominic," She whispered with her head down in shame.

"Not hard enough," he mocked and his hostility almost surprised me.

"Please do not make this something it's not. I love my kids." I could see the tears forming in her eyes and after a glance at me, she wiped them away. Dominic looked over his shoulder at me and sighed.

"He's fine by the way but he's sleeping so we can't see him now. Until he wakes up, stay the fuck away from me before I kill your boyfriend." He walked off and pushed the two double doors leading to a balcony open. Dan gave me 'follow him' eyes and I squinted.

"This is none of your business you know?" Steph remarked as she walked past me. Before I could respond Dom's father intervened. "I think we've heard enough from you tonight. Amara has been nothing but kind and helpful to those kids, you should be solely focused on the health of your son so just sit down and shut the hell up."

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