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Dominic was right. He and his family were just people and this was just a house. It didn't matter that servers were walking around with dishes I couldn't pronounce or that the living room alone was bigger than my bedroom back at home. They were just people, and I had nothing to be nervous about. Bullshit, and he knew I'd called his bluff as soon as I stepped inside the palace. "Some house," I mumbled under my breath catching his attention. He pulled his sunglasses off of his face and tucked them into his white linen shirt.

I hadn't seen him dressed up before. Only ever watching him stroll around the house in his scrubs or a pair of sweats before he went jogging. He looked good, and it pained me to say just how good he looked in his matching set. His hair was lazily combed over and his skin had the faintest tint of a tan from his time in the yard over the weekend. When he caught me staring I cleared my throat and focused on a family photo hanging against the cream wall. It was all of them, his parents, Tiffany, David, Dan, the boys, Dom and Stephanie. They were on a beach, Josh, and Jamie with the cutest floaties wrapped around their arms. They looked happy. Dominic didn't have any photos of him and Stephanie up at the house. If he had any left I assumed they were all packed away with the rest of the memories he liked to keep to himself.

"You're stalling," he pointed out. He was right. At the moment I felt small and slightly sentimental.

"I'm not stalling, just admiring the house. How old were they here?" I pointed at the picture and Dominic's smile faded into a thin line. He ran a hand through his hair and chewed on his bottom lip in thought. I watched his jaw clench and his eyes work over the photo.

"Josh was four and Jamie was one," he deadpanned.

Wanting to lighten the mood, I stood in front of the photo and pointed to another behind him. "How did you do it?"

"Hm?" He raised a brow.

"What did you do to get him to stand still," I clarified making him laugh. "Cotton candy after the beach, and in that one, he just wanted to go to the park."

"Hmm, we really need to talk about your parenting techniques Dominic."

Nodding to the kitchen he agreed, the smile he was sporting earlier was brighter than before. "Another time, I get enough shit from my parents."

"Fine, but what's with the servers? Just a party my ass," I whispered the last part and smiled as we entered the kitchen. Josh and Jamie were crowding who I assumed to be their grandfather while Tiffany and Clara worked on sending out platters. People were coming in and out of the kitchen and I was starting to get overwhelmed just watching them.

"they're just here for an hour dear," Clara shouted over the noise. "Dom's father and I are hosting an event and I need to test out hors d'oeuvres. If you'd like real food, it's outside near the bar." She looked up and smiled before returning to her plating.

"She hears everything," Dominic mumbled.

"Yeah, and I heard that too. Be a dear and help Dan fill the containers outside with ice. I had to run to the store to get some more."

"Leave it to Tiffany to make her family work at her own party," he teased still picking up two bags of ice to bring outside. Dan who was leaning against a kitchen counter sat his beer down and grabbed another. "Good to see you again Amara."

"You too," I smiled awkwardly. "I'm so happy you decided to come out today Amara, I know this might be a bit overwhelming," Tiffany smiled while wiping off her countertop. Her stomach almost sat over it and she groaned with every move of her arm. "I'd hug you, but I think I'd just end up pushing you farther away from me."

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