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We practically stumbled into my room, Dominic kicking the door closed while he tugged and pulled at my dress. He was still kissing me feverishly, chest pressed flat against me while he moved for my neck instead. I tilted my head, biting on my lower lip as he nipped and licked the sensitive skin. I pulled at his shirt, accidentally popping off a few buttons but Dominic couldn't care less. His teeth grazed my neck again while he hiked up my dress, seemingly tired of trying to find the zipper in the back. I grabbed his hand and guided him toward it, the low laugh that spilled out of him sending vibrations through my entire body. He rubbed the area gently and paused before doing anything else, "can I take this off?"

"Please," I choked out and he did so without saying another word. The dress fell to the floor and I stepped out of it; Dominic pulled away to drink me in. I hadn't been wearing a bra, just a sheer thong so that nobody could see the imprint of my underwear in my dress. The underwear was Zaria's idea and I'd have to thank her for this moment specifically. I shifted in my stance, partially wanting to cover myself but Dominic reached out and grabbed my hands before I could do so. "Don't," he moved my hands and wrapped them around my neck instead, "don't cover yourself. Not from me." He kissed me before I could answer, both hands cupping my ass before he lifted me in the air. I gasped and wrapped my legs around him while he walked me over to the bed.

He laid me down in one swift motion, hand dipping in between my legs while he stole every breath of mine. "You're so wet for me Amara," I moaned and pressed my thighs together, "so fucking wet."

He continued to finger me slowly, kissing my earlobe before biting down on it. "Dominic," I tried to get his attention but he shushed me instead kissing down my abdomen until he reached the tip of my inner thigh, "I'm trying to concentrate."

"On what?"

He kissed just above my clit and my back arched, "this pussy." He kissed me again, "making you come over and over again."

I hardly recognized the man in front of me. He was a completely different person. A man starved, begging to satiate his desires. I could hardly contain myself when he finally gave in, tongue pressed flat against my clit before he sucked on it. I saw stars in the back of my eyelids they were shut so tight, my fingernails probably ripping through the sheets under me from the way I was tugging at them. Dominic moaned against me before dipping his middle and index finger into my pussy slowly working them in and out.

"Be as loud as you want," he instructed, "no one can hear you."

I brought my hand to his hair, tugging at it while he feasted on me without mercy. His movements got faster, fingers curving inside of me while his tongue worked circles around my clit. My back arched and my legs closed involuntarily trapping Dominic between my thighs. He hadn't even bothered to try to push them open again. Instead, he worked faster, only pushing my legs open to spit on my pussy before licking it clean. I sucked in a sharp breath and closed my eyes, the muscles in my stomach tightened and I felt myself hanging dangerously close to the edge. Just when I was about to tip over Dominic pulled away and slapped my pussy before tugging at his dress pants.

"Can I fuck you?"

No one had ever asked me that before.

I nodded my head and he used the same hand that was just inside me to tip my chin forward, "words."

"Yes," I breathed out completely taken aback by him. He finished taking off his shirt before pulling off his pants to toss in a corner. He stroked himself while looking down at the mess he created, bottom lip tucked firmly in between his teeth before he shuddered.

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