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I enjoyed being around Luis' family. His mother, father, and cousins. It was just my parents and I and because we didn't have much extended family, there were never any large gatherings where we all had good food and conversation. There was love in my house but the feeling I got being around Luis and his relatives was different. Fulfilling. It also made my chest burn with a deep guttural sadness. My father told me grief had no time restrictions. That it could be ten years down the line and I'd still miss my mother just as much as I did on the day she died but it seemed like it got worse with each passing day.

I wasn't going to sit here and cry about it let alone tell Luis about the way that I was feeling but it ruined my mood. To avoid putting a damper on everyone else's night I excused myself and sat out on the back balcony. There was a chill in the air tonight, I grabbed the blanket beside me and splayed it over my legs while I waited for Zaria to answer her phone. She was either stuck at work or home with Jose so I half expected her not to answer. I wasn't surprised when the ringing stopped and I was just left with my reflection. My father was sure to be asleep so instead of bothering him I tossed my phone beside me and rested my eyes for a while. I had only intended to take a quick nap but when I woke up and checked my phone I noticed it was almost two in the morning.

I could still hear Luis' family downstairs in the kitchen talking and laughing so I decided to creep through the living room to get up the stairs in hopes no one would notice me. I pushed open the bedroom door half surprised to see Luis laying down on the bed scrolling through his phone. He offered me a half smile before sinking into the bed. "You couldn't wake me up?" I didn't mean for it to sound as bitter as it tasted but I was genuinely confused as to why he wouldn't tell me to come to bed before he went himself.

"I figured you didn't want to be bothered," he shrugged not paying me much mind. I nodded my head and grabbed my things to take a shower. "How early are we leaving tomorrow?"

With a groan, he sat his phone down on the nightstand and hummed, "like five probably. I have some shit to do when we get back to San Diego."

"Like what?" I probed knowing it would only annoy him further.

"First off I have a shift, and then I'm going to a car show tomorrow night." His eyes scanned my frame, hands tucked behind his thick head of hair. "Do you want to come with me?"

If he wanted me to come, he would've invited me when he first made the plans. "Can't. I have work but I hope you have fun, make sure to send me pictures I'm going to go get in the shower."

"You want me to come keep you company?"

Rolling my eyes I grabbed my towel and tossed it over my shoulder, "I think I'll manage."

The bathroom was at the end of the hall right next to his parent's room. I locked myself inside and turned on the water so it could heat up while I stripped from my clothes. I always felt weird when it came to showering in a new place. I'd cleaned the tub floor the first night of my being here but I didn't have the energy to do the same thing tonight. I tied my scarf around my head before sliding my bonnet over it. Then came my shower cap but none of it mattered because somehow some way my hair still got wet whenever I showered. It was the reason I couldn't get away with straightening my hair. Too much maintenance and I didn't have the patience to micromanage the weather or how tight my cap was.

Once the water was to my preferred temperature I stepped inside and let it hit my face first. A heavy sigh escaped me while I turned around to let the water hit my back. Showering was the only time I had a moment to myself. The only downside to Luis' present family was the fact that they were always present. My social battery ran out hours ago so instead of ruining the mood I locked myself in his bathroom or sat out on the balcony.

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