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  A M A R A

"Thank you for dropping them off, I overslept and I missed like five of your and Dominic's calls so I'm sorry for that," I welcomed the kids into the house with an exasperated sigh. I didn't know how Dominic was able to stay up past his usual hours and still make it out of the house at six in the morning. He had taken advantage of my invite to hang out in my room and I'd never tell him this but I hoped he would. Actually, I expected him to, which was why I left my door cracked open and pretended to be asleep until I heard his heavy footsteps down the hall. All we did was talk but I found myself forcing back yawns so he'd stay with me just a little while longer.

"No worries, it happens. Dom figured you were still passed out anyways. I took them to the park before coming here so they'll probably pass out soon because they stuffed their faces shortly after too."

Thank God for that.

David sucked in a short breath before reaching into his back pocket, "That reminds me here are your plane tickets for Italy this weekend. I have to say I'm surprised Clara got Dom to come and you to agree at that."

Confused, I grabbed the tickets and sorted through them. Josh, Jamie, Dominic, and Amara. It was right in front of my face but still, I couldn't believe it. "I'm sorry, Italy? What is this for?"

"Shit, you didn't know? I figured Dom would've mentioned it to you by now but I guess not. Clara and William are renewing their vows—pretty sure you were warned about this at my wife's shower." He laughed while looking over my shoulder. I could hear the kids getting into something but I was too focused on the plane tickets to see what they were doing.

"I mean of course I remember that but I figured you guys were just trying to make me feel better. Italy? I can't go to Italy I—"

"What's stopping you?" He interrupted, "Can't be work because your job is leaving the country for three days whether you like it or not. You should just come, Dom probably only agreed to go for you. Weddings are still touchy for him so a vow renewal is the last place he'd ever want to be."

I couldn't blame him. If I had the nasty breakup he had I'd swear off weddings and relationships for the rest of my life. I was sure he was happy for his parents but a weekend full of love and fidelity probably didn't interest him in the same way it did years ago. Since I'd met him, he'd always been more than willing to put himself on the line if it meant making me feel more comfortable. The least I could do was offer him some relief and agree to go.

Damnit, "Fine I'll relay the message. Thanks again for dropping them off and I guess I'll see you this weekend."

He winked with a smile, "Yeah, I guess you will."


"If you get another boyfriend is he going to move in with us too?" Josh asked with a mouthful of mashed potatoes. I offered him a side glance and he closed his mouth with the palm of his hands. "Anyways, no. Why would he move in with us Josh?" With them. Why would he move in with them.

"What's this about someone moving in with us?" Dominic tossed his keys onto the table by the door before barging into the kitchen with three gift bags in his hand. He placed them on the kitchen counter before kissing Josh on the head, skipping over me to kiss Jamie too.

"Amara's boyfriend is moving in with us," Jamie laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"Amara doesn't have a boyfriend," Dominic clarified before washing his hands and grabbing a plate from the cabinet. I turned around to look at him with squinted eyes.

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