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                                  A M A R A

"Where'd you two disappear off to last night?" David asked with a mouthful of fruit. "One minute I saw the two of you dancing and the next you were gone?" A slight smile spread across his face before he wiped it away with a napkin. I cleared my throat and shook my head, "we went for a walk."

"A walk?" He probed, "Pretty long walk."

"Leave them alone David and go finish packing your bag. We have to be at the airport in two hours," Tiffany came and kissed her husband on the forehead before sitting down. I scraped my fork against my plate with a heavy sigh. Dominic was sitting right next to me calmly eating his breakfast while he flipped through a newspaper I knew he couldn't understand. I nudged him slightly and he shifted, offering me a side glance while chuckling to himself. He was ever so calm this morning while I was still freaking out.

"I'm happy you came Dom, it was good to see you relax for once. Did you have fun at least?" Tiffany asked him with a smile. Dom nodded his head, "Surprisingly yes. I had a very nice time."

"I'm sure that had everything to do with Amara."

"Me?" I nearly choked on my coffee. "He would've never come if it was just us. He hates spending time with his family."

"I don't hate spending time with my family I'm just busy. I have two kids you know, you'll know what it's like soon," he argued with his sister.

"Yeah, and you'll know what it's like to have Amara poached from you. Please say you'll come and help out sometime. I'll match whatever Dominic is paying you and I need someone to talk to who isn't a part of a mommy and me group chat." She clapped her hands together before pressing them against her nose.

"Sure of course, though matching what Dominic pays me is unnecessary." If she was anything like her brother, I knew exactly where this conversation was headed. "Nonsense, you deserve it. I'm gonna go get the last of my things but I'll see you both soon hopefully."

She waddled away from the dining area leaving just Dominic and me alone. His parents were going for a stroll before we left and Josh and Jamie were outside playing with Dan. I took a deep breath and finished off the last of the food on my plate in a hurry. I tried to scoot my chair back so that I could leave but Dominic grabbed the end of it and pulled it closer to him instead.

"You could've easily tipped my chair over doing that you know?" I rolled my eyes and he laughed, "but I didn't. You don't have to say yes to Tiffany if it's not something you think you'd want to do."

I raised a brow, "why wouldn't I want to help?"

"Because babies are more work than those two. I just don't want you to feel obligated because we're family. Tiff isn't the type."

I hated how well he knew me, "it's fine really. I do like babies and I don't mind spending time outside of your house. The summer will be over before both of us know it and I'll need different streams of income."

His brows furrowed and he shifted his body closer to mine, "And what are your plans for when the summer is over?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you're coming to the end of grad school. What do you have two more semesters left after this fall? I'm sure your course load will be more intense and you'll have less time to be home. I'll probably have to hire someone else to make up for the hours you're away from the house. Not to mention the boys going back to school and—" He ran a hand through his hair and groaned to himself, "My head hurts just thinking about it.

I hadn't given much thought to what I would do after the summer was over. Initially, I only intended to keep this job until then, afterwards I'd figure something out making sure my hours revolved around my class schedule. Everything was just so complicated now. I didn't want to stop being Josh and Jamie's nanny and I definitely didn't like the idea of someone else coming in and spending the time that I was losing with them. I'd never been much of a jealous person or I guess I never really had a reason to be jealous until now.

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