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                                  A M A R A

We'd been on the plane for ten out of fourteen hours and I was starting to lose it. Dominic practically passed out as soon as he got on the plane and the kids were sitting near their grandparents. I couldn't even talk to Tiffany or David because they were sitting a few seats away and I couldn't very well write out a note and pass it up until it reached them. I groaned and shifted in my seat, accidentally nudging Dominic awake. He yawned, rubbing at his eyes with a frown and I apologized.

"Sorry, I'm just trying to get comfortable. All this money you paid for seats and you'd think they'd be just slightly more efficient," I complained slightly poking at the material. Dominic laughed and shook his head, "We're in first class Amara."

"I know but when you're sitting for ten hours straight anything can become uncomfortable. By the way, you missed the beverage cart three times." He'd told me to wake him up every time I saw it and I tried but the man slept like an ox. I was surprised a simple nudge to the arm woke him up when I shook him for a good two minutes. He just didn't want to wake up and that wasn't my fault.

"That's alright, I'm sure you tried to wake me. Have you been up this whole time?" He took the blanket he had wrapped around himself and draped it over me instead. It smelled like him, and I did everything in my power not to hold into my nose and savor it. "No, we had a bit of turbulence so that ruined any chances of me falling asleep." I wasn't the best flier which was part of the reason why I didn't make many trips back home. That and I probably wouldn't have enough money to get back.

"You should sleep some, It'll be the morning when we get there so it might feel a bit weird to crash the whole day. You can, of course, We'll all be doing our own thing until the wedding Saturday but I want you to enjoy yourself."

He was always so worried about me, it was starting to make me feel a bit hopeless. "I'll rally if I have to. You don't have to worry so much about me I'll be fine."

"Someone has to worry about you, otherwise you'll run yourself dry."

Rolling my eyes I turned my head away from him and slumped into my seat. Dom chuckled next to me and fixed the edge of the blanket so my arm would be covered from the air blowing from the side vent. I closed my eyes and hummed to myself biting back a smile.

Dom was right. I was spent by the time we landed and while everyone else was absorbing the pretty scenery as we drove to our villa I was fighting to keep my eyes open. The sun lulled me to sleep and I banged my head on the window of the car a few times before I found a comfortable position to rest in. That position being Dominic's shoulder. He'd offered it up after my many failed attempts at getting comfortable but I refused, convinced I just needed to move around a bit more to find my perfect spot. Once tired turned into exhaustion I gave up and propped my blanket up on his arm before resting my head. I knocked out shortly after, ignoring the smug look on his face after he woke me up when we made it to our destination.

He was kind enough to bring my luggage up to my room while I walked around the estate with Tiffany and Clara. She wanted to stretch her legs after being on the plane for so long, and Clara just wanted us to familiarize ourselves with the villa. It was quite gorgeous, sitting on top of a mountain overlooking the countryside. Stupidly, I'd forgotten to pack my sketchbook so I'd just have to improvise until I could get my hands on the proper paper. That is if I even got the chance to sit down and sketch some of the scenery. I seemed to have a busy weekend ahead of me, I'd be lucky even if I even got a chance to sleep.

"We're a little ways out from the city but the ride is so scenic I'm sure it won't be much of a bother when you go out tonight." Clara took a deep breath and shook her head at the view before turning to me and Tiffany, "The both of you should get some rest before dinner. Amara, you'll need your energy if you're going to go out tonight."

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