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"How come we can't go to Amara's new apartment?" Josh pouted in the back seat of my car. I popped my chewing gum in my mouth and considered my answers. Telling them the truth would eventually get me into more trouble. 'Somehow your mother would find out and she wouldn't like it.' That somehow was Jamie excitedly telling Stephanie because that's what kids did when they were happy about something. They were my kids too and I had every right to take them wherever I wanted but this wasn't the week to push any of her newfound buttons. I'd finally gotten to a place where I felt comfortable with our upcoming court case. I didn't want to jeopardize that by giving her ammunition to spin an innocent visit into some bullshit.

I could tell them that I would take them to see her apartment but just not yet. This thing between the two of us was new and Josh was just coming to terms with it. Jamie was wishing marriage on us every five minutes because he had no fucking idea what it meant. All he knew was that when two people were married they stayed around forever and he wanted Amara around for as long as time would allow her. Taking them to her apartment and planning visits would just confuse him more.

Finally, against all odds and my better judgment, I could just bring them to see her. They could see where she lived now, spend a few minutes with her and there would be no harm no foul. That however was only wishful thinking.

"Why haven't you been to work?" Josh's voice rang from the backseat louder this time. He was getting taller, tall enough to finally ditch his booster seat even though my mother would argue otherwise. "I have two weeks off thankfully," I replied and I left it at that. My boss had given me paid time off because of my upcoming court date but I'd been using my time at home to consider my other options. If things were to go my way, I had to make changes to my schedule for my kid's benefit and mine. I couldn't get custody of them just to have someone else take care of them. It was contradictory and all my life I'd tried desperately to be anything but.

"Oh," He popped his lips together before turning toward the window. Jamie was fast asleep next to him, drooling on the seatbelt until the car door opened. "I was beginning to think you chose option one," Amara laughed before checking the backseat. Jamie groggily opened his eyes while Mar grabbed a tissue to wipe his mouth.

"Gross, Jamie." She sighed and stuffed the tissue into my cup holder.

"Gross to you," I scoffed and tapped on the steering wheel.

Ignoring me, she turned her attention to Josh. "I got you that thing you asked for. It's in my car just let me grab it."

I looked at Josh through my rearview mirror with a brow raised. "When did you two set this up?"

He shrugged, "the other night when she came to the house." I heard the sound of his seatbelt click before he spoke again, "Do we have to go to Mom's today?"

That was a question I'd never heard from Josh. He loved going to his mother's house, so much so some nights I couldn't get him home without waterworks.

"Yeah kiddo, you have to go to mom's house. Why do you ask? Is there something wrong?"

His eyebrows furrowed, "her boyfriend is stupid."

"Is he mean to you?" I immediately asked but he shook his head. "No, he's nice. Mom likes him a lot too."

And by likes him a lot he meant—"Does she spend a lot of time with him when you and Jamie are over?"

He nodded and my jaw clenched.

"Well, I'll talk to your mom when I drop you guys off." His eyes met mine in the rearview mirror and I swore I saw a frown. Josh didn't like it when his mother and I fought and to him talking always led to fighting. No matter how calm the conversation started or how quiet we were being someone would raise their voice first and all hell would break loose.

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