09. First Part 1

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Warning: This chapter contains sexual themes. Please be advised. Thank you.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Wenge Ruins - 1:22 p.m.

'Hold on... What?! Why is he- I thought he was trying to get away from doing this!' Sonic internally panics as the hand on the back of his head holds him tighter and the lips covering his mouth slowly moves against his own. He's just staring wide-eyed at the jackal, not knowing what else to do.

Zero tilts his head to the side, getting a better angle to feel the lips on his own. The lower lip is a bit swollen? Something must have happened to cause the hero to bite his bottom lip recently. 'How curious...'

He's not sure if the hedgehog knows this or not, but the younger's mouth is just slightly open, giving him enough space to slip his tongue in if he wants to. Of course, he won't; this is going to far as it is. There's no way he can let it get worse. It shouldn't have ever gotten this far. 'This is just in the heat of the moment, that's it. He's not her.'

Sonic feels his lips being constantly kissed as the hand pulls him even closer, surprising him even more. 'I didn't think I could get any closer to hi-Wait! That doesn't matter! C'mon Sonic, focus! You need to get out of this!'

Sonic presses his hands against the chest, using whatever kind of strength he can from such a limited area. The only thing that seems to have done is make the jackal move his hand from his back and grab his own, placing it on the jackal's shoulder before resting on his waist while the other hand moves from the back of his head to hold his cheek, deepening the kiss even more.

The thing about this that's weirding Sonic out is how gentle the jackal is. Even though he has him in a tight grip, he's not being rough about anything he's doing: the hand is now on his side with the fingers softly running up and down, completely different than how Mephiles was being. And the thumb on his face is gently rubbing his cheek. It's warm, soft and a bit relaxing. And the lips? They're moving against his own but they aren't being aggressive. It almost feels like the jackal is trying to hold himself back.

Sonic can feel the lips get more into the action as they give him longer, deeper kisses but still refrain themselves from going inside of his mouth. A few more seconds pass and he can feel the jackal open his mouth against his own, the hot breath hitting his lips, but just as quick as the mouth open does it close and the canine pulls himself back.

Sonic is finally able to catch his breath as the hand leaves his cheek. Green eyes are still wide as his lips suddenly feel cold. 'He... he just...  Infinite just kissed me...!'

Sure, Sonic has dated and kissed before. In fact, he's dated both Sally and Amy at one point. And though they've kissed, it was always a peck on the cheek, forehead or lips. Nothing ever lasted longer than five seconds.

With Sal, he could almost argue it was his first love seeing how she was his first crush and shared his first kiss with her five years ago. But things just didn't work out with trying to save lives and run the kingdom. He would risk his own life to save others and she wanted him by her side as she ran the kingdom. There was a fight in front of everyone and, well, it just didn't work out between the two. They even tried again some time later but it just wasn't the same and it felt so fake that they both agreed to just stay friends and nothing more.

And with Amy? It was two years ago. She was asking him to go out with her, already preparing to be turned down but Sonic surprised her and said he would. They enjoyed their date so much of just relaxing and laughing that they kept doing it often. After a while, Sonic just asked Amy out to be his girlfriend out of nowhere, surprising everyone that was around. For a while it went well. They were happy. She'd happily go on adventures with him when she wasn't working but as more time went on Amy realized that it wasn't like she'd thought it'd be. He was affectionate to her but it was just weird. After a while, she was the one who broke it off, telling him how she felt, apologizing for everything, and saying that she'd just prefer them to be friends. She would apologize, saying that she was so selfish but Sonic never thought of her like that and explained that having a first crush could be difficult, something he learned with Sally.

The kisses he shared with them were just short, sweet and simple. They would never wrap their arms around his neck and he'd never put his on their waist. It just seemed like it would be going too fast, even for Sonic who normally loves fast things.

Zero opens his eyes and lightens his hold on the hedgehog. He doesn't want to let the other go completely right now since he's enjoying the warmth emitting from him. He sees the slightly dazed look in the green eyes before realizing that the hero is in complete shock about what just happened. He resists the urge to chuckle at the hedgehog and just speaks instead. "Was that your first kiss?"

Sonic comes back to reality and blinks his eyes a few times, processing the words asked. He narrows his eyes at the blue and yellow ones looking at him and pouts his lips, barely feeling his cheeks warm. "That's not your business, bub," Sonic says as he pushes himself out from the other's grip, finally getting some distance. Unfortunately, he takes a step back when he sees the other take one towards him. 'No, no, no, no. This is not turning into Mystic Cave. This cannot turn into what happened last night!'

"Let me rephrase the question," Zero starts as he continues walking towards the hedgehog, wanting to feel more of the younger's warmth. He sees the hero trip over something as he keeps walking backwards and Zero instantly reaches out to grab the younger's arm, stopping him from falling down, before pulling him close.

Sonic's face is right against the elder's chest, which he subconsciously notes is quite toned, and he feels the hand let go of his wrist only to make its way to his side. Sonic instantly swats the hand away and pulls himself back before taking a step back, making sure it's big enough one to avoid whatever he tripped on before. "Thanks for the save, but I think I'm done here." He goes and turns, intending to get out of the building at the very least but is stopped when he's grabbed again. This time he isn't being pulled, he just can't take a step forward. Sonic turns his head and sees the jackal is much closer than he would like him to be.

Zero places his free hand on the blue one's shoulder, and completely turns him around before walking him to the wall directly behind him. He sees green eyes widen when the hedgehog hits the wall, making the younger turn to look at the object before directing a glare at him. "Was that your first time being kissed like that?"

"Pretty gutsy to be asking me that, ya know? And honestly, it doesn't matter if it was or not cause you ain't kissing me again!" Sonic growls as places his hands back on the chest only to have both wrists grabbed as the jackal takes another step towards him, completely trapping him against the wall. If he were thinking clearly then he'd be able to think of at least three different ways to get of this but he's not. He's trying to focus on making his heart calm down as he's trying his hardest to not think that this is going to be like what Mephiles did to him. 'There's no way it can happen twice in a day. This... this is just a coincidence, a really stupid coincidence, that's all.'

A black, gloved hand runs down the side of the peach muzzle before the thumb rubs the lower lip as blue and yellow eyes look into green ones, seeing the nervousness in them. "You never answered my question." Zero whispers, watching a blue ear slightly flicker.

A sudden rub against his side makes Sonic jump before he looks down to see the tail gently rubbing him. He blinks at the action before turning back to the canine, a smirk on his face. "Well, aren't you the affectionate one?" Hopefully the comment will make him uncomfortable enough to back off, even just a bit.

Zero doesn't blush but looks to the side instead. His wife used to tease him about his affection even though she absolutely loved it and would ask for more. Zero closes his eyes and lets out a sigh. 'It's just in your head. He doesn't remind you of her... he doesn't.'

"Hey, uh..." Sonic's not quite sure if he should break the other out of his whatever he's in or not. He just really wants his own space right now. "Yo, you wanna take a step back or two," he grabs the hand on his face to stop its movements, "-and I can just skedaddle out of here...?"

Zero pulls his hand a bit and notices that the hero isn't letting go. He uses his free hand to grab the other's and brings it to his lips, kissing the back of it, all the while keeping eye contact with the hero.

"H-hey...!" The sudden action not only surprises Sonic but it also causes his arm to tingle. And if he's being completely honest with himself, then he'll admit that it caused him to blush a bit. 'Isn't that what people do when they wanna be romantic? How is this even remotely romantic?!'

Zero lets out a small chuckle from the reaction before he feels the younger try to pull his hand free. He doesn't let the appendage go, instead he just places another kiss on the knuckles and then the back of the hand before pulling the glove down just enough to reveal the wrist, kissing it afterwards. He then starts placing small kisses up the arm, feeling the younger go completely still when he reaches the forearm. When he kisses his way to the elbow, he sees the slight blush on the peach muzzle darken just a bit as shock makes its way back into the green eyes. He places one on the bicep, and despite the fact the arms are quite scrawny, he has to admit that there are muscles in them. If anything, he knows that the hero can throw a punch and it hurt... a lot.

Sonic is at an absolute loss. 'How did it go from me dropping in, to a fight...? Not sure if that's what it was to this? Why does it seem that everyone suddenly has in interest in me? First that drunk, then Mephiles and now Infinite? Who's next?' Sonic's eyes widen at the sudden question before he shakes his head. 'No, no, no! There is no next! There cannot be a next!'

Once Zero reaches the shoulder he stays there for a bit, just kissing along the curve of it, earning a soft gasp. He then starts kissing on the neck, being careful with the bruises, as he moves both of his hands to the back of the younger's thighs, gripping them, before lifting the hero up, making blue legs wrap around his waist.

Sonic snaps out of his internal crisis again when he feels the sudden movement. "W-wait a second! I didn't say this was okay!" He panics again as he places his hand on the shoulders, needing to push the other off him but instantly stops when he feels the tongue lick his neck, specifically where Mephiles kept biting down on him last night. He quickly shuts his eyes and clenches his mouth shut, feeling that stupid sound trying to leave his already abused throat.

Zero moves his tongue against the left side of the neck, feeling holes in it. He takes his mouth away so he can properly observe it. There are teeth marks all over the left side of the neck and down to the collar bone. 'Did someone already claim him? But if so,' he looks at the face, watching the hedgehog try to calm himself down from the sudden assault, '-then why is acting like this is his first time kissing anyone?'

Zero looks at the face for a few more seconds before lowering his head back down, licking at the claimed throat, hearing another gasp in return. He has no intention of taking someone away from another. He may have been murderous, mercenary but he'll never steal from someone else for free. No, he just needs to get this sudden need out of his system so they can go back to their own lives and never see each other again.

'Why?' Gloved hands tighten their grip on the shoulders out of sheer desperation. Of what? He's not too sure but if the other continues this-

Sonic bites hard on his bottom lip, refusing that one sound to come out again as he feels the mouth sucking on the side of his neck. He can feel soft nips from the teeth before it's replaced by the tongue. He can feel saliva travel down his fur onto his skin before the area gets sucked on some more. His legs are wrapped around the black waist as the hands under his thighs are slowly moving the thumbs in circles, sending small tingles up his spine and behind his knees. He can feel just how soft the touches are, like a feather barely tickling him. And it's making his mind fuzzy. His back is pressed against one of the sturdy walls as his chest is press against the other's, slightly going up and down with each movement. Not only that, but he can feel the jackal just barely moving his lower half against his own, causing him to screw his eyes shut. 'What is it... with them... moving like this...?'

The tongue moves its way from the neck up to the jaw, leaving a hot, wet trail before returning into the mouth, letting lips take its place. They continue to kiss their way up the peach jawline as the hands grip the legs just a bit tighter and the hips nearly stop moving. He jumped the gun with that. Zero hadn't meant to move his lower half at all, but the warmth coming from the hedgehog, he just needed to feel it, even for a bit.

Sonic can feel his hands loosen their hold on the shoulders only to wrap themselves around the neck as the lips move dangerously closer to his own. His body is hot, way too hot for his liking and he's panting. He's not used to this type of heat. Being out in the desert or in a volcano, those he can handle, but whatever this is, he doesn't even know where to start. And because of that, he doesn't like it.

This is completely different from what happened last night with Mephiles. Sure, both he and Infinite are bruised and battered from their earlier tussle but how it escalated to this is just so different from when Mephiles had a hold of him. With Mephiles, it felt forced, But this? It's still forced but just different. He can't explain it. It may just be from how slow and gentle the jackal is going?

Still, this is getting too dangerous for Sonic. He needs to find a way to break free from the jackal's hold before it gets too bad. Before something unexpected happens. The last thing he needs is to find himself doing it with anyone.

Sonic turns his face to the side as the lips almost reach his own and he's trying to catch his breath. "Dude... seriously..." he turns his head to face the jackal once more, about to give him a piece of his mind but is quickly stopped when lips cover his once more. 'Darn it, I forgot my arms were wrapped around him- when did that happen?!'

He's cut off when he feels a tongue lick across his lower lip, stunning him completely. It's one thing that his lips were assaulted just moments ago. That he could deal with, but there is no way he's letting someone go inside his mouth. Especially since that stalker wrote him several letters of what he'd do with just his mouth.

Hello my Love

Mmmmm, how I want you right now

We don't have to do anything except cuddle in each other's arms as I kiss you. Kiss those fantastic lips of yours.


To feel that beautiful mouth of yours pressed against mine in such an innocent kiss that quickly gets hot and heavy.

To have myself lie on top of you as you hold my waist, keeping me close to make sure I don't leave you. Don't worry baby, I would NEVER leave you.

To have that wonderful mouth of yours open to let me explore. Explore every part of you. To lick everywhere: the front of your teeth, the back of your teeth, your gums, your inner lips top and bottom, your tongue, under your tongue, the roof of your mouth, both sides of your inner cheeks and even the back of your throat if you're feeling a little dangerous and aren't worried about choking for a bit.
Sorry, choking isn't the right word. It would be gagging.

Yes, if you're not afraid of gagging while my tongue is down your throat.


Actually, that's quite the turn on, to have you choking on my tongue as you desperately grab on to me, needing air but only for you to moan and cry instead and in return, I'll grind myself against you, feeling your precious member against my own as you wrap your legs around my waist.  And after a while, I'll move my tongue from your throat, giving you a chance to catch your breath before we start again, and hopefully go even further.

Oooh the thought is making me very hot right now, baby.

Save your first kiss for me again, okay?

I love you so much,

~Your only love

Nuh-uh, it's not gonna fly with him. Even if the jackal isn't gonna go that far, he refuses to let him or anyone else, for that matter, in his mouth.

Sonic grits his teeth together, refusing to let the other in but is surprised when he feels the tongue pull away only for his bottom lip to be pulled on. His eyes widen when he feels his lip go inside the jackal's mouth.

Zero has no intention of pressing his way into the mouth, this is good enough. To have the warm body so close to him, to feel a heartbeat against his chest, though it may be beating faster than he would like, but still. To have arms wrapped around his neck and lips against his own. Well, now he's sucking on the bottom, but still. He plans on enjoying every second of this, not knowing when he'll get it again or if he ever will.

As Zero continues to suck on the lip he lets his tongue slide across the inner part, hearing a quiet gasp from the hedgehog. He stops moving his hips and just wraps the legs around him tighter, wanting to bring the younger closer to him as he just focuses on giving the lips all his attention. He goes from sucking and licking to gently nibbling and kissing them, feeling the younger tighten his hold on him slightly. He then uses his fangs to nibble on the side of the lip, earning another soft gasp. Zero takes a moment and just enjoys the sound, like music to his ears.

Zero then slowly licks across the inner part of the lip, feeling how warm and wet it is, almost letting out a moan himself just from the feel of it. He flicks his tongue against the part that connects to the bottom gum and teeth, running his tongue along to the bottom of the teeth before going back to give the lip the attention.

He can taste the hero just from the younger's lip but he needs to be careful. If he's not, then Zero will do more to the hedgehog and something else will happen. That seems to be the theme for today: unexpected events.

Sonic can feel the tongue move from his inner lip to run across the very top, licking it a few times before teeth gently nibble on it, then moving its way to his outer lip, giving it the same treatment. Green eyes are struggling to stay opened as they try to keep fluttering. The sensation of just his bottom lip, nothing else, just his lip being treated this way is making his body warmer than what it was before. The fingers are still slowly moving against the backs of his legs, still sending whatever sensations to his knees.

Sonic is confused at this point. 'Isn't this where people try to force themselves on someone? But he's- wait, no, no! Snap out of it! It's not important! I–'

Zero releases the lip and gives it one last soft kiss before pulling himself back. He sees the confused, green eyes in a slight daze, like they're trying to process what happened but is having a hard time doing so. The peach muzzle has a darker tinge of red spread across it and the lips are partly opened; the lower one covered in saliva and slightly plumped from the assault.

Blue and yellow eyes move their gaze down to the left side of the neck, seeing how the blue quills are a slight shade darker from his saliva. He takes his opportunity to dive back in and kiss the younger's neck once more, trying to avoid the bite marks in the process. 'Was someone able to have their way with him?'

Sonic bites down on his tongue as he feels the jackal's tongue run up his throat. It's taking a lot for him to hold back that cursed sound. He doesn't want to hear it again and he surely doesn't want anyone else to hear it either. He can feel the hands tighten their hold on his legs as the once gentle mouth is getting more aggressive. "H-hey..."

'Just a little more.' Zero rubs his hands against the legs with a little more pressure, wanting to feel more warmth from the younger. He's tracing the muscles in the powerful legs with his thumbs as he clenches and unclenches them. The arms around his neck start to pull away so in turn, he uses his tail to keep them in place which earn him another gasp. 'Just one more moan, that's all I need.' Zero runs his tongue across the bite marks, hearing the gasps grow a bit louder, which only make him suck on the neck harder.

Sonic tries to pull at his arms again but the thick tail has them pinned down. He can feel the other's hair tickling different parts of his arms as he's forced to stay still. And he can't move his legs due to the other's grip. And that mouth! 'Come on Sonic! You cannot let this turn into Mystic Cave! I can't!'

Quick breaths are coming from the hero's nose as he refuses to open his mouth. He leans his head back, having every intention to try to headbutt the jackal but stops when he feels teeth pull at his neck, leaving the hero to pant. Sonic leans his head back even more, letting the top of it touch the wall as he closes his eyes tight, wanting to feel more of the tingling sensation course through his bod – 'No! Snap out of it!'

Sonic brings his head forward and pulls at his right arm, surprised that he's able to get it free. Without a second thought he balls his fist and quickly punches the jackal in the face, forcing the other away from his neck, drool dripping onto his shoulder and parts of his body from the suddenness of it all.

Zero shakes his head a few times and blinks his eyes. When he comes to, he straightens himself up only to widen his eyes. The hedgehog is pressed against the wall, with his face red, eyes are confused, angry and glossed over, he's panting and his lips are swollen –
'What did I-'

Quickly Zero throws the hero to the side, hearing a loud thud on the ground from impact and a quiet ouch from the other before he covers his eyes with one hand and lets out shallow breaths as his other hand is pressed against the wall. 'How could I let myself do that?!'

"Hey," Sonic sits himself up and glares at the jackal, "-that hurt, jerk. The heck is wrong with you–"

"Get out!" Zero punches the wall in front of him to emphasize his point. He's completely disappointed with himself. Him struggling to have control over Infinite is one thing, but this? He's supposed to have complete control over himself, emotions, and all. Not lose himself because of a noise the other had let slip out when he pulled the tail.

Sonic gets to his feet and wipes his bottom lip with the back of his hand, trying to dry it off and get rid of the jackal's saliva that's lingering. "You got some nerve, ya know that? Kissing me out of the blue like that-"

"I said get out!" Zero punches the wall, clearly making a hole through it but he doesn't take his fist out, he just leaves it in the wall. Why? He's not sure himself but he'd rather take his sudden anger out on the wall than the hedgehog.

Sonic narrows his eyes at the jackal who has his back to him, before throwing his hands in the air and turning around himself. "Fine, whatever. Do as you please." He sees the mask a little way from him and decides to grab it on the way out.

Zero clenches his eyes shut and leans his head against the wall, finally deciding to pull his fist from the wall. 'Why? He's not her. How could I let myself do that?!'

Open Plains – 2:03 p.m.

Sonic skids to a halt, just stopping before he can uproot any wildflowers. They then quickly move from the sudden gust of wind that he had made from his run. He had grabbed the mask and quickly left the ruins, not sure which direction he was going but he made sure it wasn't back towards the G.U.N. base. He still didn't want to deal with Shadow after their little talk.

He uses his free hand and covers his face as he leans his head back, letting out a sigh. He runs his hand down his face and uses his index finger to run along his lower lip, clearly remembering how the jackal had given it so much attention-

He quickly shakes his head, needing to forget about everything that happened while clenching the mask in his hands. He's not sure why he decided to take it. Honestly, he doesn't want to show it off to anyone. Chaos knows they'd ask questions, questions he does not want to answer.

Another breath leaves the hero's lips before he finally decides to open his eyes and take in his surroundings. He's in an open field where there's not that many flowers, just mostly tall grass. A few rolling hills here and there but nothing much in the horizon. Looking to the left, he can make out a forest in the distance and he can hear the faintest of running water. It's either a river or a waterfall over there. Looking to the right, he just sees more of this plain, stretching as far as the eye can see.

Sonic reaches both arms above his head and stretches them before leaning his body to the right, stretching his right side and doing the same to his left after. Once he straightens himself out, he looks at the mask for a moment, with no readable emotions, before drawing his attention back in front. "I should probably get back-"

"You should."

Cold arms wraps themselves around his torso, pinning his own against his side as a chin rests on his shoulder.

Green eyes widen at the very familiar motion before it dawns on him who has done this before. Sonic turns his head to see green snake eyes staring at him, which he glares at the other. "You...!"

The arms tighten their grip on the torso, making Sonic wince just a bit.
"Your Master doesn't appreciate his pet leaving the way you did. Now then,"

"Let go!" Sonic struggles against the grip, hoping it would loosen so he can get out of it but unfortunately, it doesn't work. If anything, the other tightens their hold and grabs the base of his tail, making his eyes shut tight and his breath gets caught in his throat.

"-let's get you back home."

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I must apologize. This shouldn't had taken me this long to come out with this so I am sorry but yeah, chapter 10 is out. Woohoo!

Yay! Zero is getting some attention but it seems like Mephi-Daddy wants more.
No worries, we'll have more, uh, suitors pop in soon.

Until next time, take care of yourselves Luvs.

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