18. Searching Pt. 02

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Warnings: This chapter contains mild language, syringes, violence, and mild sexual themes.

Please be advised. Thank you and enjoy.

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Albion Ruins: 2:50 p.m.

"No!" Knuckles shouts as he slams his head against the bars, trying anything to break through. He watches helplessly as the red liquid empties inside of his friend, his eyes widening by the second. The syringe is pulled out once it's completely empty and he can see the blue body jerk from the motion. "What did you do to him?!"

Finetivus places the syringe down on the tray and wipes his hands with a towel, making sure there's no residue on his gloves. He rather likes working with clean gloves. He then takes a step in front of the hedgehog, lifting the head. Fingers open the left eyelid, and he sees how the green eye is completely blank, almost like there's no life in it. A sigh of disappointment leaves his mouth from this. He opens the other eye and just stares at it, watching as a swirling red is slowly replacing the green iris. He studies the eye for a bit before releasing the hedgehog, turning to his clipboard to jot some things down.

"Finetivus!" Knuckles snarls, trying to get the scientist's attention. "Answer me! What did you do?!" He just sees the other's back to him as he continues to write. "I swear, if anything happens to him-"

"Oh, Knuckles," the scientist finally answers. He takes a hold of the syringe and fills it up with the rest of the red liquid before eying the light blue one right next to it. "You will do nothing to me." He turns his head to look at the dirtied echidna, seeing the glare before looking back to the small table. He then picks up the light blue liquid and adds it with the red in the syringe. "Depending how things go with the hero," he taps the syringe, "-I may not have to touch you at all."

Knuckles watches in horror as the now purple liquid is being injected in the same spot before he hears a blood curdling scream come from Sonic.

"AAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!" Sonic cries out as he feels something hot going into this blood. He had abruptly woken up from being out when he felt strangely cold only to feel something hot course through his veins out to his skin, making it feel like his flesh is melting off his bones.

"Stop it! Finetivus!" He slams his shoulder against the bars, trying to break out to stop the mad man from doing anything more to his friend. He's never heard Sonic scream out in pain. Maybe a small cry from one of his more challenging fights, but never a scream, especially like this.

Finetivus removes the syringe and takes an alcohol wipe, cleaning up the residue from the blue neck, completely ignoring the screams from his experiment. He vaguely remembers hearing about a yellow demon with spiraling red eyes but he doesn't have enough information on it. 'But if the hero actually is that demon... Interesting. Tainting him will only become that much easier if that's the case.'

Finetivus takes the key from the small table and kneels down, unlocking the chain to release the legs. Afterwards he walks around the chair and undoes the chain binding the wrists together. He then takes a hold of the blue neck, gripping it before he throws the hedgehog to the ground, watching him immediately go into fetal position as he continues to scream. He then makes his way for Knuckles' cell.

"AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!" Sonic clenches his eyes and brings his hands to his head. It feels like his insides are turning into ice yet his flesh is on fire. But the worst part is that it feels like his body is ripping itself apart. "MAAKEE ITTT STTTTOOOOOOOOP!!!!"

"SONIC!" Knuckles cries out, not realizing that his cell door is now open or that the scientist is undoing his restraints. He just knows that he's at his friend's side, gripping his shoulder to try to steady him at the very least. "Sonic! Sonic, look at me! Sonic!"

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