21. Deal Pt 02

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Warnings: This chapter contains mild language.

Please be advised. Thank you and enjoy.

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Great Forest – 9:15 p.m.

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The trees sway as the warm wind continues to blow early in the night. Some leaves cling to the branches as the rest fall off, dancing in the wind before they softly hit the forest floor, hiding the many twigs and branches that had fallen off earlier.

Twigs snap and leaves crunch underfoot as purple eyes scan the area, looking for the place of rendezvous. Taking a left turn behind the next tree, he spots the small cavern housing two others for the moment. It appears the other two are arguing... again.

"I swear, if we don't get home soon, I'm going to-ugh."

"Yeah right. All you're gonna do is cry and complain some more."

"You have no idea what it's like to have the same color on for three weeks. It's annoying."

Green eyes roll as all amusement leaves his face. He is so tired of hearing her complain about her hand paint nail things. "How the heck do you even get it on the first place?"

"Oh," blue eyes light up in excitement. She's actually surprised he's curious. "-well, first."

"I leave you both only for a few hours and this is what I come back to?" The red body finally reaches the entrance of the cave. He can deal with Zazz and his lust for destruction, but Zeena? The woman has no off switch when it comes to her cosmetics. The best way to end the conversation is to stop if before it even begins.

Zeena looks over towards Zavok, noticing the wind had ruffled his cyan hair. "Please tell me you found a way home. I can't stay down on this lower world any longer."

"I'm actually with big mouth over here. It's so~ boring. There's no heads to knock."

"Excuse you?" Zeena places her hands on her hips. "Big mouth?"

Zazz looks over to the short woman. "Big. Mouth. You don't know how to shut up about those... those stupid things you always do."

"Well you don't know how to shut up about not beating the tar out of someone. I mean, seriously, you're lust for battle is insane."

"And your greed for that beauty crap is crap!"

"You take that back!"

"Cur-aaaaap! Crappy crap crap! That's all that make-up crap is!"

Zavok just watches the two go back and forth with an absolute look of boredom on his face. If he had his chair to sit in, then he'd rest his elbow on the arm of it and place in chin in hand. Unfortunately, he doesn't and he's quickly losing his patience with the two bickering over nonsense.

"If you two are done now," Zavok crosses his arms and slowly taps his foot on the ground, clearly annoyed.

Both Zazz and Zeena quickly look him and instantly close their mouths in the process. They may be irritated about staying stuck on the land below but they're not stupid enough to pick a fight with Zavok.

"-then I can finish." Seeing as they're keeping their mouths shut, he continues. "There is a kingdom to the east of here."

An excited smile goes on both Zazz and Zeena's faces. Both for two entirely different reasons.

Zavok looks towards his lanky friend. "No, we are not going to overthrow it,"

Zazz quickly loses his smile and mumbles "Man that bites."

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