15. Rest Pt 01

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Warnings: This chapter contains some language.

Please be advised. Thank you and enjoy.

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Crystal Cavern: 5:38 p.m.


The feeling of being unable to rest or relax. The feeling of the body being agitated to the point where it's almost unbearable and for the love of his immortality, Mephiles cannot figure out why he's restless.

He's read book after book after book after book; all about this planet's terrain, some history on it because he can't be bothered to care about this planet for the life of him and forcing himself to read something he doesn't care about just bothers him to no end.

He's read about properly training pets, because one can never learn too much, and different types of food for his pet, the good and bad types. Books about exercise, training, obedient training, discipline, mating, breeding, grooming and even bedding his pet. Who knew finding the proper pet bed could be such a hassle?

Books about cooking, proper temperatures to cook, edible and non-edible foods. Poisonous foods that one can safely take the poison out to eat. Different types of cooking techniques. He had no idea that barbeques, smokers, roasting, baking, and grilling were all different things. 'Why in Solaris' name would anyone have different ways to cook or heat up food? It's ridiculous. And what is a chilidog? Who puts food on their dog? Mortals are hypocrites to eat their own pet.'

He found out that desserts were also a thing, different types of desserts at that: hot desserts, cold desserts, frozen desserts, gooey desserts, delicate desserts, crunchy desserts, bitter desserts, sweet or savory. 'Why do these mortals have to be so complicated? Just eat something to stay healthy and go about your business already.'

He's to the point that if he reads or even looks at one more book then he will send all books in existence to the abyss where they can never be found again. He's so tired of books.

Mephiles leans back in his chair and closes his eyes, letting out a breath afterwards. He noticed that the cavern is cold, despite the little warmth the crystals are emitting. It's not the degree that dropped or anything, no, the atmosphere is cold and quiet, just like it's always been.

The issue is that Mephiles misses his pet.

His pet was so full of life, the hedgehog brought excitement to him, he entertained him, not properly, but still. His pet was so much fun to be around. Even without all the sexual advances, Sonic was able to bring laughter back into his life, something he thought was long gone eons ago. Laughter was something he didn't know he missed and yet the hero, his pet, was able to make him laugh. Not just the evil, I'm-going-to-destroy-the-world-so-fear-me kind, but a genuine laugh. One that he had to have support to stand or else he would've fallen and possibly made a food out of himself type of laugh.

Oh, he misses his pet.

There are other things about the blue hedgehog that he misses as well: the quips, the sass, the feistiness he has. How he won't back down no matter the situation. The small fights they have that always ends up with the younger nearly submitting to him before they separate. 'Ah, the submitting'

The thought brings a smile to the pale muzzle before he leans his chin in his hand and continues to think about his pet.

The fights are always something to Mephiles. Even though the hero has no chance of winning by himself, he's always shown determination, a spark that stays in his eyes despite the situation, especially when said situation always turns... erotic.

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