31. Birthday Pt. 02

469 15 227

Warnings: this chapter contains language, violence, blood, mild tiny adult talk.

Please be advised.

Thank you and enjoy.

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Central City - Gimmi Shelter - 8:15 a.m.

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A door closes softly before a black gloved hand locks the doorknob, the deadbolt and then the two chain locks. The hand then moves to the light switch, turning it on. Some buzzing can be heard as the lightbulbs flicker on and off a few times before the dim lights illuminate the small room.

A sigh leaves the sandy-colored muzzle as yellow and black eyes close. "I would think that these lights would be fixed after all this time, Mimic."

Said indigo octopus just shrugs before he looks at the other. "We hardly use this room anymore. If anything, we only use it for when you come, Finetivus."

The white echidna sighs again and shakes his head before looking at the other. "I am renowned in the underground, yet I get this trifle treatment? How appalling."

Beady ivory eyes roll. "Right." Mimic turns to walk to the left, picking up a briefcase. He hears the echidna walk towards him as he opens the case, revealing empty syringes, vials and blank labels resting in burgundy, velvet casings.

Finetivus raises am eyebrow. "Is this why I've been called?"

"A past client called us to get someone special this time, and I'm going to put on a show with him."

Yellow eyes glance to the left at the octopus. "Another sordid show of yours? Have you nothing better to do with your time?"

Mimic narrows his eyes at the creepy scientist. "I don't make just any show, you know this. The big times have been demanding some entertainment from me. Trafficking has its perks, you know."

"I would think with your expertise, Mimic, that you would be above just doing shows with random people for these... perverts."

"But that's the thing. This one isn't random." Mimic uses one of his tentacles to reach in the briefcase pocket, pulling out a magazine clipping before handing it to the older. "Plus, I'm only doing it for the money and this one in particular is sure to bring in a mountain load."

Finetivus pushes his glasses up a bit before taking the paper, looking intently at his latest interest. Of all the creatures on Mobius, why him? "Why is he your target?"

Mimic closes the case. "Like I said, a previous client of mine wants him for a certain reason after I put on a show for the big names." He locks the case and offers it to the scientist. "Normally I wouldn't need to come to you for sedatives. Our boys in the drug department normally make potent ones, but,"

"Seeing as it is Sonic the Hedgehog, you'll need my expertise instead." The echidna takes the case, already thinking of what type of drugs would work best for the hero. "Do I dare ask what type to create? Something to make him completely numb so he won't be able to resist? Or perhaps you'd prefer something to keep him barely conscious."

A devious smile goes on Mimic's face. "I would like for him to be very, and I do mean very responsive for the show."

"You truly are disgusting..." Finetivus sighs before using his free hand to grab a warp ring. He sees the octopus just shrug his shoulders in response.

Mimic faces the echidna, leaning against the table. "What do you want for payment this time? Access to more drugs? Better clothes, maybe? A slave to experiment on? A whore? Wait, no, you're more into cadavers, huh? Well, whatever, just take your pick."

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