25. Haywire

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Warnings: This chapter contains language, violence, and blood.

Please be advised.

Thank you and enjoy.

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Metropolis City – Alley – 1:05 p.m.

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"Nope, nope, nope, nope, fuck no! I ain't dealing with her shit. Fuck that!" He rushes through the blue portal almost in a panic as he looks behind him to see his crew coming through. He then brushes the right sleeve of his jacket seeing as they're coming out one by one.

Blue eyes roll as she dusts her left thigh off. "Can you say fuck any louder? I don't think everyone in the city heard you the first time."

Cobalt blue eyes narrow as he fixes the collar of his jacket. "Fuck off. Do you see the bitch behind us?"

"No," the broader one says as the blue portal disappears. "-it seems as though we lost her."

"But... where are we now?" Indigo eyes look around, disliking the bustling noise of the city.

The female stretches her arm high above her head as she walks out the alley after an older couple walk pass it. "Who knows which universe we ended up in. Maestro over here," she directs her attention to the green one, seeing him pull his shades down and strut out to walk by her, "-keeps having us jump portals."

"Hey, you have a crazy, pink bitch tailing after you for five weeks and then you can ride that high horse all you like, Fi."

The red fox just rolls her eyes once more. "Please, I'd put her in her place if we weren't jumping from world to world."

A cheeky smile goes on the leader's face. "Uh-huh, well, while we go look for this world's Sonic and Tails to make them get us back home then you can be on guard duty against Rosy, how's that sound babe?"

Fiona clears her throat and starts walking in a random direction. If there is one thing all of them can agree on, then it's that no one should ever be in a one-on-one fight against Rosy the Rascal. That's a death sentence if there ever was one. "Well, Sonic and Tails aren't gonna just spring out of nowhere, now are they."

Scourge leans close to his girlfriend. "Aw, what's the matter babe, can't take the pink bitch on?"

Light blue eyes narrow at cobalt ones. "Fuck you..."

"Please," Scourge reaches a hand out to pull the red fox close to him before he then whispers in her ear, "-I already fucked you last night, and gotta say, you're not as good as you used to be."

Fiona instantly slaps him across the face before she pulls her other arm free, storming off. 'That fucking asshole. How dare he? Just for that, I'm gonna make this world's Sonic fuck me in front of the prick.'

Scourge just brings his hand up to his stinging cheek, laughing as the Destructix walks pass him to catch up with the seething fox. All but Simeon, who stays behind to walk with his leader.

"Why do you antagonize her?"

"Ah," Scourge rubs his cheek, trying to lessen the sting. "-it'll make her think about better ways to pleasure me."

Simeon looks at the green hedgehog in disgust before he walks off. "I regret asking."

A chuckle leaves Scourge's lips as he takes his time walking behind the group. 'Sad thing is she really is getting boring to fuck. Hopefully I can have some fun with someone here before I beat the shit outta Sonic to make him take us home.'

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