26. Countdown Pt. 1

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Warnings: This chapter contains language,

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Outside The Hedgehog Residence – 2:14 p.m.

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The clouds start to roll in as a small gust of wind blows, lightly ruffling soft, pink spines and long, red tendrils. Amy is crouching next to her friend on the porch while Knuckles is sitting on the bottom step, his chin in hand.

She reaches out to touch his shoulder but quickly pulls back, not wanting to upset him any more than he already is. "...Knuckles, how are you holding up...?"

A sigh leaves his mouth as purple eyes glace to the right, seeing concerned teal ones looking back at him. He closes his eyes and releases another sigh. "I'm... scared." He can still feel the overwhelming power Fleetway had over him a few days ago and that look in the demon's eyes. It just reminded him how utterly powerless he is to that beast.

"But..." purple eyes open and narrow, glaring at nothing in front of him. "-I'm upset and frustrated too."

Amy finally places her hand on his shoulder and gives it a tight squeeze. "Is it because of Sonic?"

Knuckles places his hand over hers, patting it a few times before letting it rest on hers. "Why doesn't he say anything?"

Amy huffs and pouts, turning her attention in front of her. "Because he's a stupid, selfish jerk who doesn't want anyone to worry about him."

"Oh, he's stupid alright." Knuckles cracks a small smile, nodding his head in agreement with her. "He's a stupid-stupid head that does stupid things because he's stupid."

"Right?" Amy turns to the echidna as a smile goes on her face. She hears a small chuckle leave him which only makes her laugh in return. "We should make an official Stupid Sonic Day just to remind us not to be stupid like him."

Knuckles covers his face with his free hand and starts laughing. Oh, he needed this. He needed someone who knows what he's been through. He doesn't need anyone to ask questions about it, to make him remember the fear and pain but to just be there for him.

He lowers his hand and pats hers once more before turning back to look at those bright, teal eyes. "Thanks... I-"

"Hey, I know," Her ears lower slightly as she gives him a small smile. "I know... It... must've been hard to see him again. But, that whack job of a scientist really wants to taint him?"

"Unfortunately." Purple eyes roll and he shakes his head.

A sigh leaves Amy's mouth as she finally takes her hand from his shoulder. "Honestly, I'd rather deal with that lunatic than this stalker any day."

Red eyebrows raise. "Is he really that bad? I mean, we heard what he had wrote in that letter, but would he actually go through with it?"

A flash of fear and disgust cross Amy's face for a moment before she wraps her arms arounds her knees. "...He sent us a person's head a few nights ago just to get his point across, saying he'd do the same to us if Shadow didn't agree to him."

Knuckles just stares at her, completely surprised on what he just heard. How could anyone do something so... so vile? So disgusting? And without any thought to it? How sick is this person? "Amy, I'm... I'm sorry..."

"Me too." She looks back at the shocked echidna and a wry smile goes on her face. "But I guess Mephiles is gonna help us...?"

The shock expression turns into confusion and disbelief. How the heck did Sonic get him, out of all people, to help? "That raises so many questions, but I guess it's better than nothing."

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